Hi Jeff,

I developed with Flavio Schiavoni two objects inspired by the Republic111 to share PD source code, named sendpatch and receivepatch. These objects enable users to share subpatches through a local network. 

You can get the code here:


read more about it here:


and this was our first test: 



André Damião 


Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 17:34:36 -0800
From: jpsandys@gmail.com
To: pd-list@lists.iem.at
Subject: [PD] Republic111 in PureData

I thoroughly enjoyed the performance of Republic111 at the Live Code Festival.  Republic is a SuperCollider library that allows collaborative coding, there is a shared window where performers can pass code and messages.

Is there anything similar in PD?  I imagine a shared PD canvas where performers could drop or copy a patch, or where PD messages and audio could be sent or received.  My plan is to start with NetPD and experiment with multi-user collaboration.  Has anyone tried Republic style collaboration in Pure Data?

Jeff Sandys

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