[patches:#566] allow additional deken-plugin to override built-in

Status: open
Group: bugfix
Labels: pd-gui deken
Created: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:42 PM UTC by IOhannes m zmölnig
Last Updated: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:42 PM UTC
Owner: Miller Puckette

currently, Pd will first load all gui-plugins, and after that it will load the built-in deken.
this is inconsistent with other handling of extensions (e.g. externals will be loaded after built-in objectclasses have registered).

it also prevents a manually installed deken-plugin to overwrite/extend the built-in one (at least without going through hoops, like renaming all the symbols).

the attached patch makes sure that the built-in plugin is called before loading any additional plugins.
it also defines a version number in ::deken::version which (newer versions of) the deken-plugin can check (e.g. and refuse being loaded with a 'a newer version of deken is already available' error)

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