On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 2:09 AM João Pais <jmmmpais@gmail.com> wrote:

I do realize GEM is a possibility but, so many people seem to have trouble getting it working that it is tough to want to build new dependencies on GEM.
It does turn out that I am actually converting the data from the datastructures into tables that I read into named arrays that I can read with [tabread~] though I am still using [get]... good though there on using [array get] !

not sure if gem is so problematic (I only use it sporadically) - there was a compatibility issue with 32b build on windows (which can kind of be solved), but maybe I'm not following what happens on other OSs.
If you need to interact with scalars, then data-s would be helpful. Sometimes some bugs in tcl/tk happen, and pd has to be restarted.

(I have here a patch with more than 33548 scalars, and that window does take lots of time to open.)

Yeah.. my patch does have some issues locking up PD at this time.. the datastuct is quite complex and if I have the drawing window open when I create the ds then pd hangs for quite a while.. though once I do the initial draw opening and closing the window is quick... I do wish I could have more capabilities for manipulating the visualization without actually changing any data (zoom) which is something that would be pretty trivial with GEM.

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