---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike McGonagle <mjmogo@gmail.com>
Date: Feb 19, 2008 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [PD-dev] svn troubles
To: Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org>

I have noticed things like this happening when I write Macintosh files to a Windows server. It creates some secondary file that is named the same as the main file, except it prepends the file with a dot. On the Mac, you won't see that file, as the Mac by default suppresses those files from being seen. But, nonetheless, they are there. I don't think they really hurt anything if they get deleted, at least, I have not had any trouble.


On Feb 17, 2008 4:38 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> wrote:

On Feb 17, 2008, at 2:54 PM, Martin Peach wrote:

> zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
>> Quoting Martin Peach <martin.peach@sympatico.ca>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I tried running 'svn cleanup' from my externals directory but I
>>> get the
>>> same error.
>>> This is with cygwin svn 1.4.5 on WinXp.
>> weird.
>> what comes to my mind is:
>> - are you sure you have enough space on your disk? (svn needs more
>> space than cvs, as it caches the original copy of a file)
> I have about 40gigs free.
>> - i have encountered problems on w32 with "forbidden" filenames, such
>> as "AUX" and "COM", but this doesn't seem to be the case here...
>> - svn is less tolerant than cvs when it comes to collisions: e.g. if
>> you have a file "Hello.c" and a file "hello.c" in the same directory
>> and your local filesystem is case-insensitive, the checkout will
>> fail.
>> nevertheless, i haven't find a case-problem in the
>> gridflow/doc/flow_classess folder.
> Just tried it again using TortoiseSVN and got the same error:
> Added:
> E:\pd_from_svn\externals\gridflow\doc\flow_classes\messageprepend-
> icon.png
> Added:
> E:\pd_from_svn\externals\gridflow\doc\flow_classes\listappend-icon.png
> Added:
> E:\pd_from_svn\externals\gridflow\doc\flow_classes\listelement-help.pd
> Error: Can't check path
> 'E:\pd_from_svn\externals\gridflow\doc\flow_classes\inv*-icon.png':
> The
> filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
> Windows doesn't like files with * in the name. In fact if I try to
> make
> such a filename in Explorer I get a tooltip saying:
> A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
> The file inv*-icon.png definitely exists in the repository:
> http://pure-data.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pure-data/trunk/
> externals/gridflow/doc/flow_classes/inv*-icon.png?view=log
> I guess I'll have to check out the directories one at a time.
> I managed to check out everything using Ubuntu without incident.

This has been happening for a while, but perhaps you just didn't
notice.  You can see the files in question by looking at the top of
the nightly build log for winxp:


There are currently four files that NTFS rejects:





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Peace may sound simple—one beautiful word— but it requires everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal.
—Yehudi Menuhin (1916–1999), musician