Ok, I suspected this could be a Linux thing. I now want to confirm if it's also possible on Windows, so I can properly document this. 

And I wonder why we can't do this on mac. It would be cool and would help me a lot

Em sex., 12 de abr. de 2024 às 16:12, Albert Rafetseder <albert.rafetseder@univie.ac.at> escreveu:
> Here's me on macOS, using 0.54-1 (downloaded not compiled). I don't
> have
> that button and don't think I've ever seen it. So, is this just not
> available in mac? Why?
> [image: Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 16.08.02.png]


> and what is your OS Albert?

Sorry, forgot to say: This is a laptop running Linux (AMD 64 bit Ubuntu