[bugs:#1225] Save All Settings
Status: open
Group: v0.46
Labels: Save Settings
Created: Wed Jan 13, 2016 02:39 PM UTC by Anonymous
Last Updated: Wed Jan 13, 2016 02:39 PM UTC
Owner: nobody
Somebody might have already noticed it. In this case, I apologize for double posting.
When changing the Input and Output device manually (in Media/Audio Settings), so that it does not correspond to the first name that appears on the list (which usually the Built-in in/output), even after Applying and Saving All Settings, the selected value is not saved. Opening pd again will go back to the first value in the list. After checking, I noticed that the corresponding file storing the data is badly written.
It is not a critical bug, just a little annoying if one forgets to set the appropriate audio drivers again!
Thanks a lot.
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