Absolutely, you just need to introduce yourselves to the pd-dev list, check the archives for examples.  Then the mandatory waiting period will start, and we will wait for objections.  Then in a week or so after your intros, if there are no objections, you'll be added (there basically never are objections).


On Sep 27, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Sergi Lario wrote:


We are Lluis Bigordà and Sergi Lario from Barcelona.

We are working in some pd externals for visual work.

At the moment we have four objects:

* pix_preview - Is a Tk widget to preview any pix_output inside the canvas patch.

* videogrid - Is a thumbnail based one click file chooser for quicktime movies.

* imagegrid - Same as videogrid but with any images.

* colorgrid - Is a one click color picker.

We want to keep on develop new externals and we would like to know if they can be added to the pd cvs external repository.


ll & sll

PD-dev mailing list


The arc of history bends towards justice.     - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.