Message: 1Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 10:46:16 +0200From: Roman Haefeli <>To: pd-dev <>Subject: [PD-dev] How to create an unsigned <>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"Hi allI only loosely followed the discussion about how apps for upcomingmacOS versions need to be signed and notarized to run without warnings.It seems the official builds for macOS distributed by Miller aresigned. Also, when I do 'make app' I seem to get a signed Isthere an easy way to build an unsigned
<gripe>It was hard enough to test & fix this, of course someone *doesn't* want it to be done. :P</gripe>
If you want to experiment, just comment the code sign section at the end of mac/ This will disable adhoc signing and notarization.
But...You *have* to sign it with *something* for 10.15 or it will be even worse: loading every older external will be blocked and have to be manually loaded.
I got complaints from people that installing netpd is hard and
convoluted. I am now trying to build a based on that
includes netpd and externals. I got it working so far, but when it is
downloaded through a browser, it triggers a pop up saying "This app is
damaged and cannot be opened" (translated from German). I can remove
the attribute with:
xattr -d
and then it runs fine, but having to use the terminal to make it work
defeats the purpose of the whole exercise.
As you noted, Miller's is now signed. It's just a fake adhoc signing (certificate name "-") which doesn't require an account or actual signing certificate.
You could essentially copy all of your netpd files into a copy of, then re-sign everything yourself. That should at least get you to the same point as Miller's original download from a user perspective, ie. Right-click + Open, then good after that. You may need to sign some deeper stuff like frameworks manually before signing the whole bundle. This is what we needed to add to sign the Tcl & Tk frameworks to solve the latest issue. Again, look at the end of mac/
I am actually only assuming the "damaged" pop-up is caused by a
signature that I render invalid by manipulating it. Maybe I do
something wrong that is totally unrelated. The signature thing just
seemed the most likely reason.
"Damaged" is use whenever there is an issue with an app bundle, be it a missing/unreadable Info.plist, incorrect dir layout, or security issue. Use codesign to print out the existing signing info (I forget the codesign args, it's searchable).