
I'd be very interested in your Xcode howto (says he, _not_ having written the emacs+gdb howto he promised).

On 14 Jun 2007, at 01:24, Nose Hair wrote:

I have been having trouble getting an external I wrote to load in Pd.  It uses external dynamic libraries and I am having a tough time getting them linked.  The external compiles fine in Xcode, but when I try to run it in Pd I get the usual dynamic lookup error.  I have had luck compiling the counter external in the iem how to with Xcode. I have also compiled Gem in Xcode.  I think this dynamic lookup error has to do with the fact that my external cant find the dynamic libraries I am calling. If anyone can help me figure out or point the way on how to write a makefile that links with dynamic and static libraries that is c++ compatible I would appreciate it.  I'm going to keep tinkering with Xcode but I need to keep moving forward.  Once I figure Xcode out fully I will email a little how to for those interested.

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