[patches:#547] improve osc help patch/documentation

Status: open
Group: wishlist
Labels: help doc
Created: Sun May 03, 2015 09:03 PM UTC by mlarrieu
Last Updated: Sun May 03, 2015 09:03 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

hi I am novice, this is a suggestion for improving [osc~] patch

The way how pd reset the phase with the second inlet of [osc~] is note clear, there is a lack of information : did the value have to be a sample value (like in max) ? did it have to be in degrees ? in radians ?

here my suggestion :
- reset the phase to sin(2.PI. float)
with float the incoming message.
e.g. float=0.25, phase = sin(2.PI. 0.25) = 1

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