Hello everybody!
I´m a student (Media Technology) at the „Hochschule Duesseldorf" and
currently working on my bachelor thesis. The subject is to create a small
collection of DSP-Audio-Algorithms to use on the RaspberryPi with Puredata.
For this, I´m writing Externals in C and use the
Library/makefile-Template provided by the puredata.info-page.
It works very well, but there are some issues that I can´t find a solution to:
The Signal-Externals are always built without the tilde (~) symbol, although I add them correctly to the PDOBJECTS-variable (For e.g. „compressor~.pd“). I´m tired of renaming them after every build, and the library has grown a bit now.
I´m building on a Mac and on the Rasperry running Linux, on both platforms there´s the same issue.
Another Question: How can I change the directory where the externals are „built into“?
As you maybe can guess, I´m not a native programmer, and I´m completely inexperienced with Makefiles (Although I´m beginning to like them ;) ). So I hope somebody can help me out with this.
David Bau