../bin/pd -d 10 -stderr -audiobuf 5 -inchannels 2 -outchannels 2 -alsamidi -mididev 0 > LOG pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post { compiled against Pd version 0.42.5} pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post { compiled against Pd version 0.42.5} set pd_whichmidiapi 2 sys_nmidiin 1, nmidiindev 0 pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post { compiled against Pd version 0.42.5} set pd_whichmidiapi 2 set pd_whichmidiapi 1 pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post { compiled against Pd version 0.42.5} set pd_whichmidiapi 2 set pd_whichmidiapi 1 pdtk_pd_startup {Pd version 0.42-5extended } { {OSS 2} {ALSA 1} {jack 5} } { {default-MIDI 2} {ALSA-MIDI 1} } {Bitstream Vera Sans Mono} normal Opened Alsa Client 128 in:1 out:1 pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post { compiled against Pd version 0.42.5} set pd_whichmidiapi 2 set pd_whichmidiapi 1 pdtk_pd_startup {Pd version 0.42-5extended } { {OSS 2} {ALSA 1} {jack 5} } { {default-MIDI 2} {ALSA-MIDI 1} } {Bitstream Vera Sans Mono} normal set pd_whichmidiapi 1 tk scaling is 1.3330053300533005 pdtk_post {[import] $Revision: 1.2 $} pdtk_post { [import] is still in development, the interface could change!} pdtk_post { compiled against Pd version 0.42.5} set pd_whichmidiapi 2 set pd_whichmidiapi 1 pdtk_pd_startup {Pd version 0.42-5extended } { {OSS 2} {ALSA 1} {jack 5} } { {default-MIDI 2} {ALSA-MIDI 1} } {Bitstream Vera Sans Mono} normal set pd_whichmidiapi 1 set pd_whichapi 2 pd init /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src 0 5 4 9 6 5 10 8 6 13 9 7 15 10 8 17 12 10 19 14 11 23 16 13 26 19 15 30 25 20 39 ; pd filename Untitled-1 /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src ; #N canvas; #X pop 1; pdtk_canvas_new .x9eaa3d0 450 300 +0+0 1 pdtk_canvas_new .x9eaa3d0 450 300 +0+0 1 wm title .x9eaa3d0 {Untitled-1 - /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src} pdtk_canvas_new .x9eaa3d0 450 300 +0+0 1 wm title .x9eaa3d0 {Untitled-1 - /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src} set menu_windowlist {{{Untitled-1} .x9eaa3d0} } pdtk_fixwindowmenu .x9eaa3d0 relocate 450x300+0+0 450x300+1+50 ; .x9eaa3d0 map 1 ; pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0 obj 1 ; .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 { } .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 { } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 { } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 0 .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 62 40 62 57 40 57 40 40 -dash - -outline $dash_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords pdtk_text_new .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 42.000000 44.000000 { } 10 $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $select_color .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 { } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 0 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 0 49 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 0 Control_L 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 configure -cursor $cursor_editmode_nothing .x9eaa3d0 key 1 112 0 ; pdtk_undomenu .x9eaa3d0 typing no pdtk_undomenu .x9eaa3d0 typing no pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {p } pdtk_undomenu .x9eaa3d0 typing no pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {p } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_undomenu .x9eaa3d0 typing no pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {p } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 1 pdtk_undomenu .x9eaa3d0 typing no pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {p } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 1 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_undomenu .x9eaa3d0 typing no pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {p } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 1 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 wm title .x9eaa3d0 {Untitled-1* - /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src} .x9eaa3d0 key 0 112 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 1 100 0 ; pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 2 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 2 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 0 100 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 1 32 0 ; pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 3 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd } .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 3 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 0 32 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 1 116 0 ; pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd t} pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd t} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 68 40 68 57 40 57 40 40 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd t} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 68 40 68 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd t} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 68 40 68 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 4 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd t} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 68 40 68 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 4 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 1 101 0 ; pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd te} pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd te} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 74 40 74 57 40 57 40 40 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd te} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 74 40 74 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd te} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 74 40 74 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 5 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd te} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 74 40 74 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 5 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 0 116 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 0 101 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 1 115 0 ; pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd tes} pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd tes} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 80 40 80 57 40 57 40 40 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd tes} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 80 40 80 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd tes} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 80 40 80 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 6 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd tes} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 80 40 80 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 6 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 0 115 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 key 1 116 0 ; pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 86 40 86 57 40 57 40 40 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 86 40 86 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 86 40 86 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 7 pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c coords .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R 40 40 86 40 86 57 40 57 40 40 .x9eaa3d0.c select clear .x9eaa3d0.c icursor .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 7 .x9eaa3d0.c focus .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 .x9eaa3d0 key 0 116 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 211.0 8.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 211.0 7.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 214.0 5.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 218.0 3.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 223.0 1.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 390.0 1.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 390.0 2.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 390.0 3.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 390.0 4.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 390.0 5.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 motion 390.0 6.0 0 ; .x9eaa3d0 mouse 390.0 6.0 1 0 ; selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_canvas_new .x9eb2000 450 300 +0+0 0 selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_canvas_new .x9eb2000 450 300 +0+0 0 wm title .x9eb2000 {test - /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src} selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c 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57 40 40 -dash "" -outline $box_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9eb21a0R selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 pdtk_canvas_new .x9eb2000 450 300 +0+0 0 wm title .x9eb2000 {test - /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src} set menu_windowlist {{{Untitled-1} .x9eaa3d0} } pdtk_fixwindowmenu .x9eaa3d0.c create polygon 40 40 86 40 86 57 40 57 40 40 -dash "" -outline $box_outline -fill $obj_box_fill -tags .x9eaa3d0.t9eb21a0R .x9eaa3d0.c raise all_cords selection clear .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c focus "" pdtk_text_set .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 {pd test} .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0 -fill $text_color .x9eaa3d0.c itemconfigure .x9eaa3d0.t9e9d3f0R -outline $dash_outline 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pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x9eb2000.c .x9eb2000.c delete all destroy .x9eb2000 .mbar.find delete 2 set menu_windowlist {{{Untitled-1} .x9eaa3d0} } pdtk_fixwindowmenu pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c delete all destroy .x9eaa3d0 .mbar.find delete 4 wm title .x9eaa3d0 {Untitled-1 - /home/ico/Downloads/PureData/pd-extended-svn-0.42.5/0.42/pd/src} pdtk_undomenu nobody no no .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9eb21a0R .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9eb21a0R .x9eaa3d0.c delete .x9eaa3d0.t9eb21a0 pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x9eb2000.c .x9eb2000.c delete all destroy .x9eb2000 .mbar.find delete 2 set menu_windowlist {{{Untitled-1} .x9eaa3d0} } pdtk_fixwindowmenu pdtk_canvas_getscroll .x9eaa3d0.c .x9eaa3d0.c delete all destroy .x9eaa3d0 .mbar.find delete 4 set menu_windowlist {} pdtk_fixwindowmenu .x9eb2000 relocate 450x300+0+0 450x300+2+78 ; .x9eaa3d0 relocate 450x300+0+0 450x300+1+50 ; pd_gui: pd process exited Segmentation fault