[bugs:#1291] zexy on Win 10 - scalar multiplier doesn't load from a patch unless the dll name is changed from "0x2e.dll" to "..dll"

Status: open
Group: v0.47
Labels: zexy scalarmult hexloader
Created: Thu Apr 06, 2017 01:55 AM UTC by myQwil
Last Updated: Thu Apr 06, 2017 01:55 AM UTC
Owner: IOhannes m zmölnig

I'm using Windows 10 64-bit and have tried this on purr-data 2.1.2 as well as pd 0.47.1. The scalar multiplier [. ] will load when being instantiated in a new canvas, and it will load from a patch when the patch is in the same location as 0x2e.dll, but it would not load properly when opening a patch from a different location.

However, I was able to get it to work by changing the filename from "0x2e.dll" to "..dll". I think this has something to do with hexloader. It might be ignoring hex representations when the character is not officially a forbidden character to use in filenames, and since the '.' is allowed to be used in filenames, hexloader doesn't notice it, although the hex representation still seems to be necessary in the setup function name.

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