Em qua., 14 de abr. de 2021 às 16:47, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> escreveu:
i'm too lazy to recap it here.

Here's a recap. Me and Esteban were providing 4 separate packages for raspberry pis, and we were doing the same for FFTease and LyonPotPourri, but we know that was probably stupid and wanted to do better :) 

Zexy provides two packages for raspberry pis in the same bundle:

- (Linux-arm64-32): with the binary .l_arm64
- (Linux-armv7-32): with the binary .l_arm
We had these as separate packages and .pd_linux binaries on each. Actually, all 6 Linux packages (4 for raspberry) had this same extension. 

As for the extra two raspberry, we have (Linux-armv6-32) and (Linux-armv8-32). The armv8-32 seems to serve no purpose at all! So we just need to get rid of it. Then we have (Linux-armv6-32), which is not completely out of purpose, but is rather obscure (just actually needed for raspberry pi zero, for instance).
i'd prefer to use the `armv8` name for the 32bit variant *only*. when
talking about the 64bit variant, we should use `aarch64`.

So, just to be clear, 'armv8' is the unnecessary (Linux-armv8-32) deken package, and the other one ('aarch64') is (Linux-arm64-32).

Now, one thing is weird, cause Eric was using the organelle with deken and he could only see (Linux-armv6-32) instead of (Linux-armv7-32), is this a deken issue?

regarding `armv6` and `armv7` in a single folder, i'm not sure whether
this would work:
- if a `Pd-armv7` happens to see the `armv6` external first, it will
just load it (and never try to `armv7` binary)
- if a `Pd-armv6` happens to see the `armv7` external first, it will
just try load it: and i think the *loading* would succeed, leading to
crashes whenever an illegal (armv7-)instruction is encountered.

but as i've written above: the `armv6` is a very limited platform. you
probably do not want to install any binaries that you cannot use on it
anyhow. so i'd suggest to cram all the architectures into a fat deken
package with the exception of `armv6` which you should package separately.

But one can also just ship armv6 and aarch64 and it should work for everybody, right? The armv7 would still see it and load, and in fact this seems to be already happening on deken.
