[bugs:#1303] Weird behavior when undo creating an object

Status: open
Group: v0.38.4
Labels: bug undo
Created: Fri Aug 04, 2017 08:30 AM UTC by Zack Lee
Last Updated: Fri Aug 04, 2017 08:30 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

Hi, I'm using Pd-0.47-1-64bit on Max OSX 10.11.6.

I found this weird behavior today which you can reproduce by the following steps.

  1. create an object box and type any object name (for example, type "spigot")

  2. As soon as you type the object name, create another object box (or a number box). You will see an empty object box being created right below the object you just created.

  3. Undo creation using shortcut (Command + z on Mac OSX)

  4. You will see an empty object box is just created on top of the first object you created.

Here you can see my original post from the Pd forum.

I hope this can be fixed in the Pd-0.48 stable release.
Thank you!

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