[bugs:#1158] shmem : on free method shared memory segment is remove even if it's still attached
Status: open
Group: v0.45
Created: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:16 AM UTC by Antoine Villeret
Last Updated: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:16 AM UTC
Owner: Cyrille Henry
When closing and reopening a patch using shmem, [shmem] doesn't work until all install have been reallocated in other process.
To reproduce :
1. open twice instance (sender A and receiver B) of shmem-help.pd
2. in A, change values in array1 and then click [me umset array1( then click [memdump array2( in B.
3. array2 should display the value you enter in A's array1
4. close A, then reopen it and reproduce 2. The B's array2 is no more updated.
If you close Pd instead of only closing the patch, and then reopen it, it works.
This is because shmem_free() is not called when closing Pd without closing the patch.
Here is attached a patch that solves the issue.
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