[bugs:#1236] Tcl trace in console while configuring ALSA midi

Status: open
Group: v0.46
Created: Wed Mar 23, 2016 07:51 PM UTC by electrickery
Last Updated: Wed Mar 23, 2016 07:51 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

Pd-0.47.0 ("test") compiled 19:15:29 Mar 23 2016

Pre-condition: MIDI device present, activated within ALSA.

While opening Media > MIDI Settings...

opened 0 MIDI input device(s) and 0 MIDI output device(s).
(Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: bad side "top-fill": must be top, bottom, left, or right
while executing
"pack $id.buttonframe -side top-fill x -pady 2m"
(procedure "pdtk_alsa_midi_dialog" line 48)
invoked from within
"pdtk_alsa_midi_dialog .gfxstub1021230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1"
("uplevel" body line 4)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $docmds"

Same configuration works ok with 0.46.7.
System: Xubuntu 14.04 x86-64

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