[bugs:#1217] delay size limit bug
Status: open
Group: v0.46
Labels: delay
Created: Tue Sep 22, 2015 04:49 AM UTC by Alexandre Porres
Last Updated: Tue Sep 22, 2015 04:49 AM UTC
Owner: Miller Puckette
I have a patch that shows a bug with the maximum time ou can read from a delay line.
From the [vd~] help file, it says
"The delay time is always at least one sample and at most the length of the delay line (specified by the delwrite~)"
So, if the delay is "x" long, we should be able to read from "x" behind in time... but this is not true in the attached patch, so there's a bug the obect.
The patch was originally a phase vocoder, with a block size of 2048 - the maximum size you can read from the delay is then = buffersize - block size + one block of 64 samples.
I fail to see a reason here. If such a limitation happens somehow, maybe the object could be coded in a way that it allows an extra something to make it possible a total length read out.
I thought that maybe the order forcing of delay objects could be something to take into consideration. Well, I did the order forcing and many such tests, but nothing really changed!
please find for info on the attached patch.
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