On 31 July 2015 at 21:24:29, IOhannes m zmölnig (zmoelnig@iem.at) wrote:

On 07/31/2015 10:12 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-dev wrote:
> On 07/31/2015 03:15 PM, Jamie Bullock wrote:
>> How about: authors / maintainers can host their externals wherever
>> they like, but we maintain a “meta” repository on GitHub that includes
>> all the various external [sic] repositories as git submodules…?
> And why do you prefer Github to Sourceforge?


i don't think that jamie's point was to propose GitHub, but rather a
central point that would reference the various repositories.
it could be a gitweb instance running on http://git.puredata.info/ with
a single admin user.

That’s correct, I just used GitHub in example as it had been mentioned earlier in the thread.

(Although... I do prefer GitHub for my own projects as I find the UX to be far better than sf.net. I’m not proposing we use it for Pd, as clearly there are other factors and priorities to consider.)

