Dear list,

@Miller: thank you for your suggestion. However I used all my (very limited) bash knowledge and I wrote a simple script that searches the name in the gensym function after the class_new declaration. Using then find I look on all src folder.

@Fred: thank you for your words. If my bash knowledge is limited, my web knowledge is almost zero. However, if it will be possible to open a page on and upload the list sorted (by library?) I will do it. But I don't know how to create a page on or similar.

In attachment, the script (just chmod +x ) and the zexy object list obtained in this way:
find ./zexy/src -name '*.c' -exec ./ {} \; > zexy.txt

A final note: I am on OS X, so no GNU sed. I downloaded the GNU sed from MacPorts (gsed). In the script we have to change gsed with sed.

Best regards,


2016-06-23 17:53 GMT+02:00 Miller Puckette <>:
Suggestion:  in m_class.c, uncomment this line:

#if 0
    post("class: %s", c->c_name->s_name);

Then load the libraries one by one - you'll be rewarded with a printout of
all created classes.  If you only want to see ones you can tye in a box
(supressing invisible helper objects), instead make it:

    if (typeflag == CLASS_PATCHABLE)
        post("class: %s", c->c_name->s_name);


On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 05:41:13PM +0200, Fred Jan Kraan wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> >Dear all,
> >
> >in these days several guys complaint with me about the difficulty of
> >finding one particular external in the sea called Deken. The main
> >problem is that people have patches on Extended and the difficult task
> >is to switch on Vanilla + Deken.
> >
> >So, the most trivial solution that comes to my mind is to create a Latex
> >template where put for each library several infos like the name of the
> >library, the maintainer, the version, and the list of objs maybe with
> >same extra informations. My idea is to provide a general latex template
> >and people can help this project downloading the template and then start
> >to put all informations.
> >
> >However, the main point is: it si useful? I mean Floss[1] provides
> >something similar, and before to start this project I was just wondering
> >about its concrete helpfulness. Maybe something similar is present and
> >simply I don't know about it. In these case, it could be an idea to
> >upload it on Deken and when people just press "enter" or some typos
> >Deken can suggest to download this pdf.
> >
> >Finally, an object list can be useful to understand who is maintaining
> >what and what is actually not maintained.
> >
> >Probably it's only a boring idea. Let me know.
> Yes, I think it would be useful. If it was web-based, it could even help
> deken suggest libraries with same or similar named objects. Libraries do not
> change very much these days, so even an one time effort will be useful for
> some years.
> >
> >Best regards.
> >
> >[1]:
> Greetings,
> Fred Jan
> >
> >
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