[bugs:#1254] multicast netreceive problem windows 10
Status: open
Group: v0.47
Created: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:12 PM UTC by Anonymous
Last Updated: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:12 PM UTC
Owner: nobody
I use a script with multi-cast udp bytes send with processing to pure data. I tried
[netreceive -u -b port]---[print]
the object is created but doesn't receive anything. But the same patch and processing script work well on mac. I think the problème is on windows 10. UDP simple work perfectly but not the multicast on windows 10.
I tied disable firewall and it's didn't change anything.
list of things i tried.
I also tried the same with max and i have the same problem
Thank's for the answer. (and excuse my english i tried my best)
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