I've got a strange behavior in my patch with my GUI externals.

First,  I create a canvas :

sys_vgui("canvas %s -borderwidth 0 -width %d -height %d \n",  x->e_drawing_id->s_name, (int)x->e_rect.width, (int)x->e_rect.height);

Then I bind the mouse to the canvas :

sys_vgui("bind %s <%sButtonPress> {+pdsend {%s mousedown %%x %%y %i}}\n",   x->e_drawing_id->s_name, modifiers_list[i], x->e_name_rcv->s_name, i);

Then I create a window with the canvas :

sys_vgui("%s create window %d %d -anchor nw -window %s -tags %s -width %d -height %d\n", x->e_canvas_id->s_name,  (int)x->e_obj.te_xpix + 4, (int)x->e_obj.te_ypix+ 4,  x->e_drawing_id->s_name,  x->e_window_id->s_name,   (int)x->e_rect.width - 8, (int)x->e_rect.height - 8);

When I open a patch with the object, everything works fine (my object and the patch). But when I reduce the patch and "reopen" it, Pure data have a strange behavior : I can't change the edit mode (with crtl + e) anymore until I open a new patch. It seems like the patch or the mouse are no more linked. I can't figure out what append... 

here the link to file : 


and to the object (hoa.space) :


If anybody can help me or have an idea, I'll be so grateful. Thanks in advance for any help.

