Ah ok. Honestly I haven’t built/installed GEM from scratch on OSX, beyond looking into the AVFoundation stuff*. I mainly just copy the pd-extended GEM into sucessive versions of Pd Vanilla and was thinking it would be really nice to be able to install it on OSX with deken instead.

* I finished my MFA and recently started a 1 year visiting teach position in Denver, so I’ll be finally be able to dedicate some (paid!) time to getting the GEM OSX updates working. It’s on my list after redoing my websites & finalizing PdParty. :D

Dan Wilcox

On Sep 28, 2015, at 11:34 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:

On 09/28/2015 06:50 PM, Dan Wilcox wrote:
Currently, GEM requires it’s dynamic libs to live in the “lib” folder in the main app bundle Contents.

no, i'm pretty sure it does not. it's only Pd-extended that set the
search paths in the Gem binaries to look for auxiliary libraries in that
"lib" folder.

it's easy enough to make the search paths local to the `Gem.pd_darwin`
(or rather: the various `gem_plugin*.so` files), so that they are looked
for in .../Gem (or .../Gem/libs/, which is what i prefer)
