what's "vp"?

a variable in class_new()

also, your underlying problem sounds like a typical usecase for " libpd".
From his first e-mail, I understood he is already using libpd.


On 22.03.2020 13:09, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
Am 22. März 2020 09:13:23 MEZ schrieb "Boštjan Jerko" <bojerko@gmail.com>:
Hi Christof,

the problem is that I don’t really know what happens but it goes
something like that:

calling pd_init -> pd_init_systems -> conf_init -> x_connective_setup
-> pdint_setup

and then in function class_new vp is empty so while (*vp) doesn’t go
through it and after exiting class_new the microcontroller stops with a
hard error. 
So maybe the question is really - should the vp be empty and if not -
why is that happening?
what's "vp"?

also, your underlying problem sounds like a typical usecase for " libpd".


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