>"Oh, but for sending messages between instances, you would have to queue
the messages, and then it starts to get complicated.."
I think sticking to independent instances with no shared arrays/etc would be a great first step.
>"The idea of throwing all statis/externs into a data structure wouldn't
extend to externs, which would be ugly since it would mean the API for
internal objects would have to be different than for externs (which would
have to make their own data structures, per-Pd-instance, and would have to
have some way to look those up from the Pd instance."
Sorry, Im pretty new to this code, whats an extern in pdlib?
>"Also, the idea of
having a data structure that you have to change to add anthing static to
anything at all inside Pd sounds quite heavy to me."
Well if the engine requires a static variable, it should be treated properly,
whether thats implementing it as a global instance structure or some other mechanism,
different than simply declaring it static.
>"I'm liking the idea of simply "localizing" symbols and the DSP chain more
and more as I think about it... it's nice and self-contained and I think it
would help things a lot from what I'm hearing."
Well the first pass would definitely involve avoiding the need for a variable to be static in the first place.
My brief skimming indicated that fit quite a few of them.
Does it make more sense for the instance structure to be a set of structures?