[bugs:#1181] iem_tab crash at loading on 64bit linux

Status: open
Group: v0.46
Labels: 64bit
Created: Tue Dec 30, 2014 05:22 PM UTC by Antoine Villeret
Last Updated: Tue Dec 30, 2014 05:22 PM UTC
Owner: musil

line 42 of tab_sqrt.c triggers a stack smashing on my Ubuntu 14.10 64bit system with pd 0.46-4.

line 42 is :
*(unsigned int *)(&f) = l;

On my system :
printf("size of t_float : %d, long : %d, unsigned int: %d\n", sizeof(t_float), sizeof(long), sizeof(unsigned int));

shows :
size of t_float : 4, long : 8, unsigned int: 4

while on 32bit long is 4 byte wide.

and obviously, one can't cast a 8 byte wide variable into a 4 byte wide one without any care.

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