[bugs:#1169] iemnet/udpsend : dont notify if client disappear

Status: open
Group: v0.46
Created: Sat Nov 08, 2014 07:52 PM UTC by Antoine Villeret
Last Updated: Sat Nov 08, 2014 07:52 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

With udpsend/udpreceive from SVN rev 17371.
1. Open udpsend-help.pd and udpreceive-help.pd.
2. Connect udpsend by clicking [connect 9997( message box, the checkbox below [udpsend] should be checked
3. Send some data by clicking either [send 0 1 2 3( or [99 98 97( message box.
4. You may see some print in Pd's console.
5. Close udpreceive-help.pd
6. Repeat step 4.

At this point the checkbox below udpsend is still checked while nobody is listening on port 9997.

  1. Re-open udpreceive-help.pd, thus someone is now listening on port 9997.
  2. Repeat step 4.

You won't see anything in Pd's console, but checkbox is still checked (udpsend seems to be connected).

To get udpsend and udpreceive connected again, you have to disconnected by hand (by clicking [disconnect( message and [connect blablabla( again.

Note that if you don't send anything while nobody is listening (i.e. after closing udpreceive-help.pd) and wait until somone is listening again, you don't have to disconnect/reconnect.

Please also note that mrpeach's udpsend notify when udpreceive disappears on the 2d message send.

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