Thanks Miller. Looking at that example, this seems to be a way to open and read in the whole file into C, which I could do, but the path of least resistance for me so far has been to pass the actual loading to s7. Is there a way to just get the full path for a file found from the Pd filepath? (if not, I suppose I'll read the file in and the eval_string on it or something...)


On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 3:13 PM Miller Puckette <> wrote:
open_via_path() should do it.  See for instance open_soundfile() in


On Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 02:57:16PM -0700, Iain Duncan wrote:
> Hi folks, I tried to google this, but of course am swamped with results on
> how to load things in the patcher instead of what I'm looking for. Can
> anyone point me at how to use the filepath to load files in an external? In
> Max I have s4m find the fullpath for the bootstrap files and then load them
> up through s7s native load function with the fullpath. If anyone has an
> example of something similar for Pd, that would be lovely!
> thanks

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