[bugs:#1152] Saving Problem

Status: open
Group: v0.39.2
Created: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:48 AM UTC by Anonymous
Last Updated: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:48 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

Pd version 0.41.4-extended
Windows 8

Hi everybody,

Today, I worked on a step sequencer for a launchpad mini. I've save it a lot of time before.
This night, I wanted to open it, and then, Pure Data's console printed ": no such object". I've tried to open it with notepad++ to correct the programm manually with the source code, but he can't open it too. He just print "nul" in white on a black rectangle, for 30 000 characters.

The pd file is joined. Maybe someone can open it and correct it..?
Thank you for answering, i'm a little deserate

V.Wetzel, France

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