The compiler builds for the current system by default. You have to set the min deployment target when building.

Add this flag to you makefile: --mmacosx-version-min=10.6

The current version for Pd is 10.6 which is the first version that supported i386 (ie. Intel processors).

On Mar 19, 2018, at 12:00 PM, wrote:

From: Miller Puckette <>
To: Alex <>
Cc: pd-dev <>
Subject: Re: [PD-dev] Mac SDK version for externals
Message-ID: <20180319015755.GY7620@elroy.localdomain>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

This is a very interesting and useful question.

At the outset of PD I only worried about having it run on the "current"
platforms: Redhat 5.2, Windows 95, and when it arrived, MacOS 10.2.  Older
platforms weren't important.

Since then I've tried to keep back compatibility to whatever those bleeding-edge
OSes were, because I assume people can't always afford machine upgrades.  But
I haven't tried to extend Pd (Or "extra" objects) backward past the original

At the moment I can only compile back to OSX 10.5 (PPC) and Windows XP; I
don't have real or virtual machines that go back further.

So my suggestion would be: make it work on today's OSes, and try to keep it
alive on them, but don't worry too hard about older ones.  I don't think I'm
ever going to be tempted to compile Pd for Windows 3.1.


Dan Wilcox