On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 11:50 AM, Lucas Cordiviola <lucarda27@hotmail.com> wrote:

There were many problems back in 2016 with people that didn't have pd-extended installed. For them when downloading from deken many objects didn't work. One of the causes was that those "extended" .dlls where using pthread-GC-2.dll. This file was installed by pd-extended installer on windows system folders.

Attached is a list of missing dlls on 2016.

Now we have included those dlls in each pkg so [externals] work without having pd-extended installed.

The actual libwinpthread-1.dll could change in future MinGWs so externals compiled today may stop working.

Is it possible to just use one pthread dll for all the externals, the one that comes with Pd? They should all have the same functions in them, so it would just be a matter of changing the linker LIBS.
In externals/Makefile pthreadGC2 occurs just once at the beginning, this is the one used in mrpeach.
I attach a list of all the lpthreads mentioned in all the files in the externals directory (at https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/svn/HEAD/tree/trunk/externals/).
Most of them are pthread for linux or MacOS (except iem/iemnet/Makefile:41:LIBS_windows=-lpthread), 18 are pthreadGC and four are pthreadVC. It's possible some of the pthreads are for Windows as well.
