On 31 July 2015 at 19:40:32, IOhannes m zmölnig (zmoelnig@iem.at) wrote:
On 07/31/2015 04:36 AM, Chris McCormick wrote:
> On 30/07/15 17:05, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> in any case, i thought that it might be better to really allow the devs
>> themselves to pick *any* hoster they prefer, be it your own gitlab
>> instance, OSUOSL, github, or even sf.
> The good thing about this is we don't even need to "allow" anybody to do
> anything. As Roman showed, anybody can take the initiative and start
> maintaining the externals they like at this very moment.
well, everybody was always free to do that.
so i probably shouldn't have used "allow".
what i'm really interested in (and which is why i put work into it), is
a coordinated transition that would allow [sic!] anybody who is
interested in taking part in the development process (or just interested
in getting the latest and greatest sources of a given external) to find
what they are looking for.
traditionally this was rather easy: Pd had a single repository where
virtually all (FLOSS) libraries were aggragated. most were actively
developed in that SVN (a few were regularily imported from whatever
their upstream used).
so if you were interested in "what's going on in Pd land", then you
would just need to check out that repository.
when switching away from sf/svn we might lose this feature.
did you know that i forked iemnet onto github a while ago?
having s-abstractions hosted on gitlab.mccormick.com is nice, but how
will anybody ever stumble (serendipitously) upon that?
How about: authors / maintainers can host their externals wherever they like, but we maintain a “meta” repository on GitHub that includes all the various external [sic] repositories as git submodules…? This doesn’t entirely solve the issue of authors moving or deleting their repository, but it does at least provide a set of links so that if a repo moves, we know about it and can contact maintainers to find out new locations. It also provides a one-stop for "what's going on in Pd land” for those who want it.