[patches:#569] load/save iemgui colors as symbols rather than numbers

Status: open
Group: bugfix
Labels: puredata pd-gui
Created: Mon Jan 11, 2016 09:44 PM UTC by IOhannes m zmölnig
Last Updated: Mon Jan 11, 2016 09:44 PM UTC
Owner: Miller Puckette

currently all iemgui-objects store the colors in some weirdo format, that tries to crunch 24bit unsigned numbers (RGB) into a float.
this format has a number of shortcomings:
- it cannot accurately represent all colors of the 24bit range
- nobody understands it

the proposed patch changes this so that colors can now be given as symbols in a format that is directly understood by tcl/tk: e.g. #FF0000 represents pure red
(opposed to the currently used -258049 which is the best approximation of red one can store...although it really is #fc0000).

implementation details

the old numeric format is still understood.

the patch implements:
- setting the color via color-message, e.g. [color #ff0000 #ff00ff #ffffff(
- loading "symbolic colors" in a patch
- saving "symbolic colors" to the patch (optional)

however, saving symbolic colors is currently disabled, to allow for a migration away from the current scheme (that is: a Pd-patch saved will still be fully functional in older Pd-versions).
the idea is to disable the compat-mode (by setting the default compatibility value to 0 in g_all_guis.c:269 in the next release save one).
setting a "pd_compatibility" to <48 will always save in the legacy format.

english color names

tcl/tk can understand a few english color names (such as red).
the current implementation does not support this, as the colors are still handled as integers internally (to ease the implementation of the backwards compat mode)

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