t_float would also avoid float to double conversion, for very slightly better performance in Pd64 :)
Another question: why is the cos table float* and not t_float *? With
Pd64 we basically throw away 29 bits of additional precision (23 bit vs.
52 bit). I assume this is done to reduce the table size for Pd64. Is 23
bit good enough for our purposes? I can imagine that the interpolation
error will be much larger than the difference between 23 bit and 52 bit
precision, but I didn't do the math.
On 06.06.2024 19:24, Miller Puckette wrote:
> Precisely that: cache pollution in general. At some point the overall
> speed of the program will suffer, depending on CPU design, cache size,
> and probable other factors.
> If the input to a cos~ object (for example) is between 1 and 2 you'll
> get the same loss of accuracy but still there will be rounding
> behavior that will (probably) give unsymmetric behavior.
> Anyway, I don't remember hearing any reason why symmetry should be
> important in itself.
> cheers
> M
> On 6/6/24 6:51 PM, Matt Barber wrote:
>> Since cos~ wraps, one could theoretically take advantage of the equal
>> distribution of float values between 1.0 and 2.0.
>> Profiling a larger table would be useful – I prefer accuracy over
>> performance in general, but I wonder where the performance hit would
>> come from, outside of unpredictable cache misses.
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024, 11:25 AM Miller Puckette
>> <mpuckette@cloud.ucsd.edu> wrote:
>> Well, as far as I can tell making the table "symmetric" won't
>> matter at
>> all since, for instance, 0.1 and 0.9 won't give the same lookup
>> values
>> anyway because they can't themselves be represented exactly and
>> will be
>> truncated differently (0.1 will be more accurately represented than
>> 0.9). On the other hand, values like 0.25 or -0.5 can be
>> represented
>> exactly so it might be worthwhile to bash true 1s, -1,s, and 0s
>> where
>> they belong in the table.
>> Hearing that Max defaults to a ridiculously big table makes me
>> wonder
>> though... first, is 2048 really enough (and at what point is there a
>> real performance penalty for bigger tables). And: not for this
>> release
>> but later perhaps, should 64-bit Pd use a bigger table?
>> As I figure it, the 2048-point table differs from the true cosine,
>> absolute worst case, by (2pi/2048)^2 / 8, or about 2(-19.7) -
>> i.e., 19.7
>> bit accuracy. But the error is dominated by an amplitude change
>> (the
>> best-matching cosine to the line-segment approximation has amplitude
>> less than 1). Accounting for that and taking RMS error instead of
>> worst-case gives an error estimate 2.7 bits more optimistic: 22.4
>> bits,
>> which is close to the accuracy of a 32-bit number.
>> I don't have my RPI3 handy (I'm on the road) but I'm now
>> wondering if
>> the default shouldn't be 4096, which would give us an additional 2
>> bits
>> of goodness. Any opinions?
>> cheers
>> M
>> On 6/5/24 9:35 PM, Matt Barber wrote:
>> > A couple of things:
>> >
>> > 1. I'm pretty sure any error in cos at pi and 2pi will be
>> smaller in
>> > double precision than float's epsilon, so I don't think that
>> there's
>> > any need to set -1.0 and 1.0 explicitly after all except to be
>> extra
>> > safe. However, at pi/2 and 3pi/2 the error is still larger than
>> the
>> > minimum normal number, so it is worth setting the zero crossings
>> to 0.0.
>> >
>> > 2. For garray_dofo() there isn't a great way of using explicit
>> 0.0 at
>> > zero crossings without incurring an extra check, like don't add
>> to the
>> > sum if absolute value is less than e.g. 1.0e-10. For this,
>> probably
>> > just using M_PI and incrementing integer phase like for the cosine
>> > table is enough.
>> >
>> > MB
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:20 PM Alexandre Torres Porres
>> > <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Em qua., 5 de jun. de 2024 às 14:31, Matt Barber
>> > <brbrofsvl@gmail.com> escreveu:
>> >
>> > While we're at it, I think it would be worth tuning
>> > garray_dofo() to use the same so that sinesum and
>> > cosinesum have the same level of accuracy, guarantees of
>> > symmetry, etc.
>> >
>> > MB
>> >
>> >
>> > Good catch! In fact, I think this is a great opportunity to
>> also
>> > fix this bug https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues/371
>> >
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues/371__;!!Mih3wA!Gx7B-gwSgjsuIXmREh2__bBbYdt1d6pi29crpkLOOyltinVweZR3u6Q6vl9ItouugFy2oefgYhPlew$>
>> > which is totally related. I just reopened
>> > https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues/105
>> >
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues/105__;!!Mih3wA!Gx7B-gwSgjsuIXmREh2__bBbYdt1d6pi29crpkLOOyltinVweZR3u6Q6vl9ItouugFy2oedw4qUPfQ$>
>> > as well as I'm still considering the table could/should be
>> still
>> > "perfectly symmetric" considering 0 crossings and the
>> start/end
>> > points.
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 12:52 PM Alexandre Torres Porres
>> > <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > For the record and sake of comparison, Cyclone uses
>> > a 16384 points table, and linear interpolation,
>> calculated
>> > with double precision. We did this because MAX
>> documents
>> > it uses such a table, and we made it (well, Matt did)
>> > simetric.
>> >
>> > I see Pd is doing kind of the same, huh? linear
>> > interpolation on a table calculated with double
>> precision.
>> >
>> > I see SuperCollider mentions it uses 8192 points and
>> > linear interpolation on its oscillator.
>> >
>> > I guess MAX is exaggerating its table size a bit :)
>> but I
>> > wonder why Pd is still about to use a relatively
>> smaller
>> > table size. I'm curious to know how much an
>> increase in
>> > table size actually offers a better resolution and how
>> > much it ruins performance. For instance, I'm using the
>> > same as Cyclone in ELSE oscillators, could I just
>> reduce
>> > it at least to 8192 points or even less and down to
>> Pd's
>> > 2048 size worry free?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Em qua., 5 de jun. de 2024 às 13:28, Alexandre Torres
>> > Porres <porres@gmail.com> escreveu:
>> >
>> > Nice one Matt!
>> >
>> > Em qua., 5 de jun. de 2024 às 08:13, Christof
>> Ressi
>> > <info@christofressi.com> escreveu:
>> >
>> >> @Miller: what do you think? IMO we should
>> >> make the cos table as good as we can,
>> so we
>> >> won't have any regrets :)
>> >>
>> > +1000!!!
>> >