[bugs:#1218] comport in Windows 10 does not work

Status: open
Group: v0.43
Labels: comport windows 10
Created: Tue Sep 29, 2015 02:40 PM UTC by rolf meesters
Last Updated: Tue Sep 29, 2015 02:40 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

Pd-extended 43.4
Windows 10, Lenovo I5

trying to connect with an Arduino (UNO) [comport] gives "RXerror on serial port (997)" ,
and no data coming through.

at first the message comes 10 times,
and then after about 40 secs it comes continuously.

on the same computer the same setup with VMware player running Windows XP works like it should.

(this bug report was first sent in more then a week ago, but it did not appear in the list).


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