Ico wrote:

> I just noticed you patched the source earlier today to fix stuck open
> socket--many thanks for doing this! It appears Linux does not like use
> of "char" for optVal in the setsockopt call but rather prefers int.
> Since the rest of the code treats optVal as an int anyhow this should
> provide an universal fix without having to also generate optLen or
> ifdefs. Can you test this on Windows as an alternative as that would
> make the code cleaner? In other words, keeping the old call and simply
> changing optVal to int as it is in its current version.

That's basically what I did, I just made that call the same as the other setsockopt calls in the code (which all work on Windows as well AFAIK). For some reason that was in a different style, it's all cut and pasted from different sources...
Today I'm on Debian, it works. Tonight will test Windows..
