Also, the --enable-asio flag doesn't need to specified. In fact, the configure script tries to choose the same default options as your previous per-platform builds and you can see the configuration in it's final confirmation prints.

The idea is that running a simple ./configure should set things up to build the same Pd as people can download and, at the very least, give them info if they are missing something. This way there's much less confusion as to which flags to set and what options people are testing with ... at least that's the idea. :)

On May 9, 2018, at 1:20 PM, Dan Wilcox <> wrote:

You can blame me. :) I started filling out the various sub-directory READMEs as I thought putting too much information into the single INSTALL.txt might be overkill, hence the:

"Note: Because of license restrictions, Pd cannot distribute the ASIO SDK source
files. If you want to build Pd with ASIO support, see asio/README.txt for
further instructions."

Maybe that info could be elaborated/highlighted more?

Also, changing the directory name was more for future proofing and possibly avoiding broken builds if/when they update ASIO, although that may not really be happening any time soon.

On May 9, 2018, at 12:00 PM, wrote:

From: Miller Puckette <>
To: Lucas Cordiviola <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [PD-dev] how to configure PD to find ASIO when compiling
with mingw?
Message-ID: <20180508143021.GN14921@elroy.localdomain>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Thanks - I should have been able to find that, hmm...


Dan Wilcox