[bugs:#1271] Horizontal Scroll Bar with min and max set to same value messes screen coordinates

Status: open
Group: v0.47
Created: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:48 PM UTC by Anonymous
Last Updated: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:48 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

Pd version 0.47.1-vanilla
Windows 7 & 10/Intel
Main edit window

Create a horinzontal scroll bar with min and max set to zero. Create message box containing a number and connect it to the inlet of the scroll bar. Click the message to send the value. Now drag the message box or do something to update the content of the window.

The main edit window will suddenly gain a horizontal scroll bar which seems to show that everything has moved a long way to the right. (Obviously they haven't.) Generally, screen coordinates are now messed up and, for instance, if you right click in the window the context menu appears off to the left of the screen and now where the mouse is.

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