yes, its me again with font problems
ok, here are some lines from original pd.tk
(0.35-1) file that i assume are used/needed for setting fonts:
radiobutton $name.radiof.radio8
-value 8 -variable fontsize -text "8"
$name.radiof.radio10 -value 10 -variable fontsize -text
radiobutton $name.radiof.radio12 -value 12 -variable
fontsize -text "12"
radiobutton $name.radiof.radio16
-value 16 -variable fontsize -text "16"
$name.radiof.radio24 -value 24 -variable fontsize -text
radiobutton $name.radiof.radio36 -value 36 -variable
fontsize -text "36"
pack $name.radiof.radio8 -side top
-anchor w
pack $name.radiof.radio10 -side top -anchor
pack $name.radiof.radio12 -side top -anchor
pack $name.radiof.radio16 -side top -anchor
pack $name.radiof.radio24 -side top -anchor
pack $name.radiof.radio36 -side top -anchor
############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text
object #2###########
proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font
color} {
# if {$font < 13} {set fontname [format
-*-courier-bold----%d-* $font]}
# if {$font >= 13} {set
fontname [format -*-courier-----%d-* $font]}
create text $x $y \
-font [format
-*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font] \
-tags $myname
-text $text -fill $color -anchor nw
# pd [concat
$myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] \;]
proc pdtk_pd_startup {version}
global pd_myversion
pd_myversion $version
set width1 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--8-* x]
set height1 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--8-*] 5]
set width2 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--10-* x]
set height2 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--10-*] 5]
set width3 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--12-* x]
set height3 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--12-*] 5]
set width4 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--14-* x]
set height4 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--14-*] 5]
set width5 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--16-* x]
set height5 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--16-*] 5]
set width6 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--24-* x]
set height6 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--24-*] 5]
set width7 [font measure
-*-courier-bold--normal--36-* x]
set height7 [lindex [font
metrics -*-courier-bold--normal--36-*] 5]
pd [concat pd init [pdtk_enquote
[pwd]] \
8 $width1 $height1 \
10 $width2 $height2 \
12 $width3 $height3
14 $width4 $height4 \
16 $width5 $height5 \
24 $width6 $height6
36 $width7 $height7 \
not tragic but i see theres a size calculated for
14pt but is not used in <snip1> reason/error?
and then a test with this original
i open 14.more.tabread.pd and test the sizes with
8 : all sizes are changed
10 : diddo
12 : diddo
16 : diddo
24 : only the array name text size is changed
(others stay @ 16)?!
36 : all sizes changed
nothing tragic ?! just wanted to
then to my font. i change only this
############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text
object #2###########
proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font
color} {
if {$font < 13} {set fontname [format
-*-pufo-----%d-* $font]}
if {$font >= 13} {set fontname
[format -*-courier-bold----%d-* $font]}
$canvasname create
text $x $y \
-font $fontname \
-tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw
# pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname]
and then a test with this modified
i open 14.more.tabread.pd and test the sizes with
8 : selects my font at 5pt
10 : selects my font at 7pt (6x9pix)
12 : selects courier !? (see <snip2b>
and so on...
and then i tried to get the sizes right and changed still this
proc pdtk_pd_startup {version} {
set pd_myversion $version
set width1 [font measure -*-pufo---normal--8-*
set height1 [lindex [font metrics
-*-pufo---normal--8-*] 5]
set width2 [font measure -*-pufo---normal--10-*
set height2 [lindex [font metrics
-*-pufo---normal--10-*] 5]
or this (because its a bitmap font)
proc pdtk_pd_startup {version} {
set pd_myversion $version
set width1 5
set height1 7
set width2 6
set height2
and then a test with this modified
i open 14.more.tabread.pd and test the sizes with
8 : selects my font at 7pt (6x9pix) ?! see
test before...
10 : selects my font at 7pt (6x9pix)
and so on...
the object sizes are correct but SOME number boxes are couple pixels too
small but NOT ALL ?!?!?!
i'm frustated... dunno what i can do... it's all so unlogical to me... but
i hope i've just overseen something important...
on a text editor i get the right sizes
6pt selects 5x7pix (program says 5pt is too small for the prog. [5pt would
be the right size but 6pt goes too])
7pt selects 6x9pix
8pt selects 8x11pix
but i wont give up. well, maybe 4 today :)
but this is a tcl/tk problem, right?!
so maybe i should ask in tcl/tk forums or so...
ps. i'm on win2k...
pss. yes, i made a new font 5x7pix. but i wont let it out before i get it
to work in pd..