Subject: Re: [PD-dev] Question about multi-arch Mac OS X - is 32-Bit still around?
Date: February 23, 2014 at 4:09:29 AM EST
On 02/23/2014 01:46 AM, Dan Wilcox wrote:
Just to confirm what Iohannes, et al. already know. pix_filmDarwin, pix_movieDarwin, pix_recordQT, & pix_videoDarwin need to be updated to use the newer Apple APIs: QTKit or AVFoundation. I've done an AVFoundation app already and we're using QTkit in the updated OpenFrameworks code, so I can probably reuse bits here and there.
just to make sure: [pix_filmFoo] is long dead. Gem now uses a plugin
system to access the various platform dependent components.
so what needs to be done is writing the following plugins:
- videoQtKit
- filmQtKil
- recordQtKit
check Gem/plugins/ for examples.
PS: sorry, not much time right now to elaborate