My project has one C file, and needs to also include s7.h and build s7.c I've included my (not working) Makefile below. When I try the below s7 does get compiled, producing an s7.o file, but instead of static linking I get an s7.pd_darwin file with all of the S7 stuff (it's big) and a tiny s4pd.pd_darwin file. And the external tries to load an s7 function and fails. Any tips much appreciated!
# library name = s4pd
# tried these too, to no avail
#lib.setup.sources = s7.c
#common.source = s7.c
# input source file (class name == source file basename)
class.sources = s4pd.c s7.c
# all extra files to be included in binary distribution of the library
datafiles =
# include Makefile.pdlibbuilder from submodule directory 'pd-lib-builder'
include $(PDLIBBUILDER_DIR)/Makefile.pdlibbuilder