>>>>>>>> On 01/22/2013 05:34 PM, András Murányi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>> BTW, rsync fails here with "Host key verification failed."
>>>>>>>>>> Actually, I forgot to say, if you want to run it as a jenkins
>> build
>>>>>>>> slave,
>>>>>>>>>> that would definitely still be useful.
>>>>>>>>>> .hc
>>>>>>>>> Jenkins is behaving bad here (doesn't seem to start up at boot,
>> then
>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> doesn't connect to the master when started) but i'll try to
>>>> discipline
>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>> As for the autobuild script, I've done svn up, yet it fails with
>> the
>>>>>>>>> following *before it still tries to rsync*. Shall we try to fix it
>> or
>>>>>>>> shall
>>>>>>>>> I dump it?
>>>>>>>> I think we don't need the auto-build if the jenkins builds work.  we
>>>> can
>>>>>>>> produce working Lucid packages in Launchpad.
>>>>>>>> .hc
>>>>>>> Ok, I'll shut the autobuild down here but I'm afraid I'll need some
>>>> help
>>>>>>> with Jenkins. It comes out that it does connect successfully, however
>>>>>> there
>>>>>>> is an error all the time:
>> https://macosx105-i386.pdlab.puredata.info/computer/muranyia.dyndns.org/
>>>>>>> Any ideas what is this?
>>>>>>> András
>>>>>> I was just setting up the Windows XP build machine as a Jenkins slave
>>>> and
>>>>>> ran
>>>>>> into the same issue.  Its because your Java install doesn't trust the
>>>>>> CAcert.org certificate used by the jenkins master.  You need to import
>>>> the
>>>>>> cacert certificate into the Java keystore, then it'll validate OK and
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> work.  Here's how:
>>>>>> sudo keytool -keystore
>>>> /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/security/cacerts
>>>>>> -storepass changeit -import -trustcacerts -v -alias cacertclass1 -file
>>>>>> /usr/share/ca-certificates/cacert.org/cacert.org.crt
>>>>>> Or if I messed up the paths, there is more info here:
>>>>>> http://wiki.cacert.org/FAQ/ImportRootCert#Java
>>>>>> .hc
>>>>> Thanks for the tip! I have no /usr/lib/jvm/default-java but I have all
>>>>> these under /usr/lib/jvm:
>>>>> ia32-java-6-sun/           .java-1.6.0-openjdk.jinfo
>>>>> ia32-java-6-sun-  java-6-openjdk/
>>>>> .ia32-java-6-sun.jinfo     java-6-sun/
>>>>> java-1.5.0-gcj-4.4/        java-6-sun-
>>>>> java-1.6.0-openjdk/        .java-6-sun.jinfo
>>>>> Trying to add the key to java-6-sun or java-6-openjdk results in:
>>>>> Certificate already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias
>>>>> <cacert_org_pem>
>>>>> Do you still want to add it to your own keystore? [no]:
>>>>> Shall I choose [yes] or shall I try every other java keystore, or is
>>>> there
>>>>> a way to find out which one is used by Jenkins?
>>>>> Sorry if I'm dumber than normally, I got a fever!
>>>>> András
>>>> You could also try to download the root.crt and class3.crt from
>> cacert.organd
>>>> install those.  I don't really know the answer to the particular issue.
>>>> .hc
>>> DLed the certs and installed them, however the problem persists.
>>> :(
>>> András
>> I had good luck running the jenkins slave from the command line (not as
>> root!)
>> to get more debugging info:
>> /usr/bin/java -jar /usr/share/jenkins/slave.jar -jnlpUrl \
>> https://macosx105-i386.pdlab.puredata.info/computer/muranyia.dyndns.org/
>> .hc
> Aah, cool! Jenkins says:
> JNLP file
> https://macosx105-i386.pdlab.puredata.info/computer/muranyia.dyndns.org/has
> invalid arguments: [-headless]
> Most likely a configuration error in the master
> two arguments required, but got []
> András

Strange, I don't see anything here about that:


Perhaps delete that node in jenkins and try again from scratch?


Bah, maybe I will.
I've discovered another message in the jenkins log file:

Failing to obtain https://macosx105-i386.pdlab.puredata.info/computer/muranyia.dyndns.org/slave-agent.jnlp
java.io.IOException: Failed to load https://macosx105-i386.pdlab.puredata.info/computer/muranyia.dyndns.org/slave-agent.jnlp: 403 Forbidden
