There is some talk of adding extra outputs to the inlet~ object, one of which indicates dsp connectivity. If this were in there you could use that information to envelope signals as they are connected into the dsp graph thus eliminating clicks.. You'd still have to connect the output first, or at least connect through another envelope controlled section. This also wouldn't help when you sum into that same signal input, but it is a very unobtrusive way to allow for this without a major revamp.

On March 15, 2017 4:35:18 PM PDT, Damian Stewart <> wrote:
Hi Pd-dev,
(Hi Hans! Hi Dan!)

It's been a while since I was here. I just quit my job and intend to spend some time making music boxes. Pd is in my future.

There's a couple of things I'd like to spend some time on:

1. I'd like to elminate the clicking that you get when making live edits to a patch.

2. I'd like to get as much of the DSP chain as possible into a threadsafe state.

Are there any plans around these? Design docs or discussions? Is this on anyone's radar?

damian stewart . digitaler fuzzi . vienna, austria . twitter @damian0815

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