Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv13478
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: fix to objectbox width when zoomed
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.397 -r1.1.2.398 *** desire.tk 23 Aug 2006 14:39:43 -0000 --- desire.tk 23 Aug 2006 16:20:54 -0000 *************** *** 1789,1795 **** def* TextBox draw {} { global font ! $self update_size # "TEXT" is the text label while "text" is the the input text field tk widget ! super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] if {$@edit} { --- 1789,1795 ---- def* TextBox draw {} { global font ! #$self update_size # "TEXT" is the text label while "text" is the the input text field tk widget ! #super mset {x1 y1} [$self xy] if {$@edit} { *************** *** 1800,1803 **** --- 1800,1805 ---- -font $font(str) -text $@text -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw } + $self update_size + super }
*************** *** 1822,1825 **** --- 1824,1830 ---- -bg [.$@canvas.c itemcget ${self}BASE -fill] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] + #text $t -height 1 -width [expr [string length $@text]+1] -relief flat \ + # -bg [$self look bg] -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0\ + # -font $font_str -fg [$self look fg] bind $t <Key> "$self key %W %x %y %K %A 0" bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key %W %x %y 10 %A 0" *************** *** 1853,1860 **** set n [string length $@text] set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] ! catch { ! set n [expr [string length [.$@canvas.c.${self}text get 1.0 1.end]] -1] ! mset {x1 y1 w h} [.$@canvas.c.${self}text bbox 1.$n] ! set textwidth [expr ($font(padx) + $x1 + ($w * 2)) / [$@canvas scale]] } #set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] --- 1858,1871 ---- set n [string length $@text] set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] ! if {[llength [.$@canvas.c gettags ${self}TEXT]]} { ! mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [.$@canvas.c bbox ${self}TEXT] ! set textwidth [expr (($x2 - $x1)/[$@canvas scale])+$font(padx)] ! } ! if {[llength [.$@canvas.c gettags ${self}text]]} { ! #catch { ! set n [expr [string length [.$@canvas.c.${self}text get 1.0 1.end]] -1] ! mset {x1 y1 w h} [.$@canvas.c.${self}text bbox 1.$n] ! set textwidth [expr ($font(padx) + $x1 + ($w * 2)) / [$@canvas scale]] ! #} } #set textwidth [expr $font(padx)+$font(width)*($n+$@edit)] *************** *** 1910,1915 **** }
! def* ObjectBox draw_box {} { ! global font super set xya [$self bbox] --- 1921,1926 ---- }
! def ObjectBox draw_box {} { ! global font super set xya [$self bbox] *************** *** 1920,1923 **** --- 1931,1935 ---- $self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1] -width 1 $self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2] -width 1 + .$@canvas.c lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT }