Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv15504
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: Runcommand is not a subclass of Listener
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.213 -r1.1.2.600.2.214 *** desire.tk 10 Jul 2007 23:32:26 -0000 --- desire.tk 11 Jul 2007 00:36:39 -0000 *************** *** 28,32 **** # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # this command rebuilds the package index: echo pkg_mkIndex . | tclsh
--- 28,32 ---- # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# ! # this command rebuilds the package index: echo pkg_mkIndex . | tclsh
*************** *** 1559,1564 **** set @findbar "" set @find_string "" - set @cmd_hist {} - set @cmd_histi 0 set @iohilite {-1 0 0 0 0} set @pointer_sense 0 ;# i want this to be OFF by default so that I can use selrect and stuff. we need to talk about this. --- 1559,1562 ---- *************** *** 1706,1709 **** --- 1704,1708 ---- $self new_binds $self update_title + set @runcommand [Runcommand new .$self "command" canvas_eval] set @crosshair [Crosshair new $self] set @active [Active new $self] *************** *** 2477,2481 **** } set was [winfo exists .$self] ! if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw} if {$flag && $was} {$self raise} if {$flag && !$was} { --- 2476,2480 ---- } set was [winfo exists .$self] ! #if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw} if {$flag && $was} {$self raise} if {$flag && !$was} { *************** *** 2548,2552 **** } foreach obj [$o children] { ! $@history add [list $self ins $i [$obj deconstruct]] $o del [$o index $obj] } --- 2547,2551 ---- } foreach obj [$o children] { ! $@history add [lisot $self ins $i [$obj deconstruct]] $o del [$o index $obj] } *************** *** 3161,3240 **** return $n } - def Canvas runcommand {} { - set @runcommand [Runcommand new $self] - }
! class_new Runcommand {Thing} ! def Runcommand widget {} {return .$@canvas.run} ! def Runcommand delete {} {focus .$@canvas.c; destroy [$self widget]; super} ! def Runcommand init {canvas} { ! set @canvas $canvas set @defs {} set @completions {} set @comp_i 0 set @comp_s "666" ! set f [$self widget] frame $f -border 1 -relief ridge ! button $f.close -border 1 -command "$self delete" -image icon_close -width 9 -height 9 ! bind $f.close <Return> "$self delete" pack $f.close -side left bind $f.close <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward" label $f.cmd_l -text Command: -font {helvetica -10} -pady 0 pack $f.cmd_l -side left ! entry $f.cmd -width 30 -relief flat -bg white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 ! bind $f.cmd <Escape> "$self delete" ! bind $f.cmd <Control-g> "$self delete" ! bind $f.cmd <Return> "$self run" ! bind $f.cmd <Up> "$@canvas cmd_up" ! bind $f.cmd <Down> "$@canvas cmd_down" ! bind $f.cmd <Control-p> "$@canvas cmd_up" ! bind $f.cmd <Control-n> "$@canvas cmd_down" ! bind $f.cmd <Tab> "$self completion +" ! bind $f.cmd <Control-Tab> "$self completion -" ! pack $f.cmd -side left -fill x -expand yes ! # bind $f.cmd <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward" if {[winfo exists .$@canvas.yscroll]} {set w .$@canvas.yscroll} else {set w .$@canvas.c} pack $f -side bottom -fill x -before $w ! focus $f.cmd ! $self defs ! }
- def Runcommand traversal {k w direction} { - set f [$self widget] - if {$w == "$f.cmd"} {set next $f.close} else {set next [tk_focusNext $w]} - focus $next }
! def Canvas cmd_history+ {v} {lappend @cmd_hist $v; set @cmd_histi [llength $@cmd_hist]} ! def Canvas cmd_up {} { ! if {$@cmd_histi>0} { ! set @cmd_histi [expr $@cmd_histi-1]; $@runcommand replace [lindex $@cmd_hist $@cmd_histi] ! } ! } ! def Canvas cmd_down {} { ! if {$@cmd_histi<[llength $@cmd_hist]} { ! incr @cmd_histi; $@runcommand replace [lindex $@cmd_hist $@cmd_histi] ! } } ! def Runcommand replace {v} { ! set f [$self widget] ! $f.cmd delete 0 end ! $f.cmd insert 0 $v ! $f.cmd icursor end }
! def Runcommand run {} { ! set f [$self widget] if {[winfo exists $f.completion]} { ! puts "string:: [string range $@comp 0 [string first ":" $@comp 0]]" ! $self replace [string range $@comp 0 [expr [string first ":" $@comp 0]-1]] destroy $f.completion return } ! set text [$f.cmd get] ! $@canvas cmd_history+ $text ! $f.cmd delete 0 end ! post %s "returns: [uplevel [info level] [join [list $@canvas $text]]]" ! $self delete }
--- 3160,3233 ---- return $n }
! def Canvas runcommand {} {$@runcommand pack_prompt} ! ! class_new Runcommand {Listener} ! def Runcommand canvas {} {return $@canvas} ! ! def Runcommand init {serf name command} { ! set @hist {} ! set @histi 0 ! set @serf ${serf}.run ! set @command $command ! set @expanded 0 ! set @canvas [string trimleft $serf "."] set @defs {} set @completions {} set @comp_i 0 set @comp_s "666" ! $self defs ! set f $@serf frame $f -border 1 -relief ridge ! button $f.close -border 1 -command "$self unpack_prompt" -image icon_close -width 9 -height 9 ! bind $f.close <Return> "$self unpack_prompt" pack $f.close -side left bind $f.close <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward" label $f.cmd_l -text Command: -font {helvetica -10} -pady 0 pack $f.cmd_l -side left ! entry $f.entry -width 30 -relief flat -bg white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 ! bind $f.entry <Escape> "$self unpack_prompt" ! bind $f.entry <Control-g> "$self unpack_prompt" ! bind $f.entry <Return> "$self eval" ! bind $f.entry <Up> "$self up" ! bind $f.entry <Down> "$self down" ! bind $f.entry <Control-p> "$self up" ! bind $f.entry <Control-n> "$self down" ! bind $f.entry <Tab> "$self completion +" ! bind $f.entry <Control-Tab> "$self completion -" ! pack $f.entry -side left -fill x -expand yes ! bind $f.entry <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward" ! ! } ! ! def Runcommand pack_prompt {} { ! set f $@serf if {[winfo exists .$@canvas.yscroll]} {set w .$@canvas.yscroll} else {set w .$@canvas.c} pack $f -side bottom -fill x -before $w ! focus $f.entry
! def Runcommand unpack_prompt {} { ! pack forget $@serf ! focus [$@canvas widget] } ! ! def Runcommand traversal {k w direction} { ! set f $@serf ! if {$w == "$f.entry"} {set next $f.close} else {set next [tk_focusNext $w]} ! focus $next }
! def Runcommand eval {} { ! set f $@serf if {[winfo exists $f.completion]} { ! set @hist [linsert $@hist 0 [string range $@comp 0 [expr [string first ":" $@comp 0]-1]]] ! $self replace destroy $f.completion return } ! super ! $self unpack_prompt }
*************** *** 3246,3252 ****
def Runcommand completion {which} { ! #global __args ! set f [$self widget] ! set text [$f.cmd get] if {$text != $@comp_s} { set @comp_s $text --- 3239,3244 ----
def Runcommand completion {which} { ! set f $@serf ! set text [$f.entry get] if {$text != $@comp_s} { set @comp_s $text *************** *** 6129,6133 **** proc tcl_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l"; post %s "returns: [uplevel [info level] $l]"} proc pd_eval {self l} {post %s "pd: $l"; netsend $l} ! ############ button bar
--- 6121,6125 ---- proc tcl_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l"; post %s "returns: [uplevel [info level] $l]"} proc pd_eval {self l} {post %s "pd: $l"; netsend $l} ! proc canvas_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l"; post %s "returns: [uplevel [info level] [join [list [$self canvas] $l]]]"} ############ button bar
*************** *** 6211,6218 **** switch -regexp -- $type { ^object|outlet|inlet$ { ! if {$id != $self} { ! mset {x y x3 y3} [$id bbox] ! set @follow $id ! } } ^move|edit$ {mset {x y x3 y3} [$@follow bbox]} --- 6203,6208 ---- switch -regexp -- $type { ^object|outlet|inlet$ { ! mset {x y x3 y3} [$id bbox] ! set @follow $id } ^move|edit$ {mset {x y x3 y3} [$@follow bbox]}