Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv28107
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 m_pd.h desire.c Log Message: PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE: taking care of t_pd
Index: m_pd.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/m_pd.h,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** m_pd.h 28 Nov 2006 01:17:57 -0000 --- m_pd.h 28 Nov 2006 02:53:33 -0000 *************** *** 65,72 **** typedef float t_floatarg; /* floating-point type for function calls */
typedef struct _symbol { char *s_name; ! struct _class **s_thing; struct _symbol *s_next; } t_symbol; --- 65,96 ---- typedef float t_floatarg; /* floating-point type for function calls */
+ EXTERN_STRUCT _class; + #define t_class struct _class + EXTERN_STRUCT _outlet; + #define t_outlet struct _outlet + EXTERN_STRUCT _inlet; + #define t_inlet struct _inlet + EXTERN_STRUCT _binbuf; + #define t_binbuf struct _binbuf + EXTERN_STRUCT _clock; + #define t_clock struct _clock + EXTERN_STRUCT _outconnect; + #define t_outconnect struct _outconnect + EXTERN_STRUCT _glist; + #define t_glist struct _glist + #define t_canvas struct _glist /* LATER lose this */ + + #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE + struct t_pd { + t_class *_class; + }; + #else + typedef t_class *t_pd; /* pure datum: nothing but a class pointer */ + #endif + typedef struct _symbol { char *s_name; ! t_pd *s_thing; struct _symbol *s_next; } t_symbol; *************** *** 140,167 **** } t_atom;
- EXTERN_STRUCT _class; - #define t_class struct _class - - EXTERN_STRUCT _outlet; - #define t_outlet struct _outlet - - EXTERN_STRUCT _inlet; - #define t_inlet struct _inlet - - EXTERN_STRUCT _binbuf; - #define t_binbuf struct _binbuf - - EXTERN_STRUCT _clock; - #define t_clock struct _clock - - EXTERN_STRUCT _outconnect; - #define t_outconnect struct _outconnect - - EXTERN_STRUCT _glist; - #define t_glist struct _glist - #define t_canvas struct _glist /* LATER lose this */ - - typedef t_class *t_pd; /* pure datum: nothing but a class pointer */ - #ifdef DESIRE EXTERN_STRUCT _hash; --- 164,167 ---- *************** *** 209,218 **** #endif
- typedef struct _gobj /* a graphical object */ - { #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE #define g_pd _class ! t_pd _class; /* pure datum header (class) */ #else t_pd g_pd; /* pure datum header (class) */ #endif --- 209,218 ---- #endif
#ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE #define g_pd _class ! typedef struct _gobj : t_pd { #else + typedef struct _gobj /* a graphical object */ + { t_pd g_pd; /* pure datum header (class) */ #endif *************** *** 400,404 **** --- 400,409 ---- EXTERN void pd_list(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); EXTERN void pd_anything(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); + + #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE + #define pd_class(x) ((x)->_class) + #else #define pd_class(x) (*(x)) + #endif
#ifdef DESIRE
Index: desire.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.209 -r1.1.2.210 *** desire.c 28 Nov 2006 02:19:33 -0000 --- desire.c 28 Nov 2006 02:53:33 -0000 *************** *** 541,545 **** abstraction inside another patch. A separate mechanism prevents the toplevel abstraction from showing up. */ ! if (vis && gensym("#X")->s_thing && *gensym("#X")->s_thing == canvas_class) { t_canvas *zzz = (t_canvas *)(gensym("#X")->s_thing); while (zzz && !zzz->env) zzz = zzz->owner; --- 541,545 ---- abstraction inside another patch. A separate mechanism prevents the toplevel abstraction from showing up. */ ! if (vis && gensym("#X")->s_thing && gensym("#X")->s_thing->_class == canvas_class) { t_canvas *zzz = (t_canvas *)(gensym("#X")->s_thing); while (zzz && !zzz->env) zzz = zzz->owner; *************** *** 800,804 **** t_pd *z = gensym("#X")->s_thing; if (!z) pd_error(x,"canvas_restore: out of context"); ! else if (*z != canvas_class) pd_error(x,"canvas_restore: wasn't a canvas"); else { t_canvas *x2 = (t_canvas *)z; --- 800,804 ---- t_pd *z = gensym("#X")->s_thing; if (!z) pd_error(x,"canvas_restore: out of context"); ! else if (z->_class != canvas_class) pd_error(x,"canvas_restore: wasn't a canvas"); else { t_canvas *x2 = (t_canvas *)z; *************** *** 822,830 **** t_symbol *s = gensym("loadbang"); canvas_each(y,x) if (y->_class == canvas_class) ! if (!canvas_isabstraction((t_canvas *)y)) ! canvas_loadbangsubpatches((t_canvas *)y); ! canvas_each(y,x) ! if ((y->_class != canvas_class) && zgetfn(&y->_class, s)) ! pd_vmess(&y->_class, s, ""); }
--- 822,827 ---- t_symbol *s = gensym("loadbang"); canvas_each(y,x) if (y->_class == canvas_class) ! if (!canvas_isabstraction((t_canvas *)y)) canvas_loadbangsubpatches((t_canvas *)y); ! canvas_each(y,x) if ((y->_class != canvas_class) && zgetfn(y,s)) pd_vmess(y,s,""); }
*************** *** 975,979 ****
/* find all the "dsp" boxes and add them to the graph */ ! canvas_each(y,x) if ((ob = pd_checkobject(y)) && zgetfn(&y->_class, dspsym)) ugen_add(dc, ob);
/* ... and all dsp interconnections */ --- 972,976 ----
/* find all the "dsp" boxes and add them to the graph */ ! canvas_each(y,x) if ((ob = pd_checkobject(y)) && zgetfn(y,dspsym)) ugen_add(dc, ob);
/* ... and all dsp interconnections */ *************** *** 1397,1401 **** /* if object creation failed, make dummy inlets or outlets as needed */ if (is_dummy(from)) while (outlet >= obj_noutlets(from)) outlet_new(from, &s_); ! if (is_dummy(to)) while ( inlet >= obj_ninlets(to)) inlet_new(to, &to->ob_pd, &s_, &s_); gobj_changed(x,0); if (!(oc = obj_connect(from,outlet,to,inlet))) goto bad; --- 1394,1398 ---- /* if object creation failed, make dummy inlets or outlets as needed */ if (is_dummy(from)) while (outlet >= obj_noutlets(from)) outlet_new(from, &s_); ! if (is_dummy(to)) while ( inlet >= obj_ninlets(to)) inlet_new(to,to,&s_,&s_); gobj_changed(x,0); if (!(oc = obj_connect(from,outlet,to,inlet))) goto bad; *************** *** 2303,2307 **** /* delete an object from a canvas and free it */ void canvas_delete(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *y) { ! t_gotfn chkdsp = zgetfn(&y->_class, gensym("dsp")); int drawcommand = class_isdrawcommand(y->_class);
--- 2300,2304 ---- /* delete an object from a canvas and free it */ void canvas_delete(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *y) { ! t_gotfn chkdsp = zgetfn(y,gensym("dsp")); int drawcommand = class_isdrawcommand(y->_class);
*************** *** 2332,2336 **** while ((y = x->list)) { /* to avoid unnecessary DSP resorting, we suspend DSP only if we find a DSP object. */ ! if (!suspended && pd_checkobject(y) && zgetfn(&y->_class, dspsym)) { dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp(); suspended = 1; --- 2329,2333 ---- while ((y = x->list)) { /* to avoid unnecessary DSP resorting, we suspend DSP only if we find a DSP object. */ ! if (!suspended && pd_checkobject(y) && zgetfn(y,dspsym)) { dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp(); suspended = 1; *************** *** 2443,2447 **** if (!maxp) break; y = *maxp; *maxp = 0; ! ip = vinlet_getit(&y->_class); obj_moveinletfirst(x,ip); } --- 2440,2444 ---- if (!maxp) break; y = *maxp; *maxp = 0; ! ip = vinlet_getit(y); obj_moveinletfirst(x,ip); } *************** *** 2464,2468 **** if (!maxp) break; y = *maxp; *maxp = 0; ! ip = voutlet_getit(&y->_class); obj_moveoutletfirst(x,ip); } --- 2461,2465 ---- if (!maxp) break; y = *maxp; *maxp = 0; ! ip = voutlet_getit(y); obj_moveoutletfirst(x,ip); } *************** *** 3292,3296 **** t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)pd_new(vinlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->inlet = canvas_addinlet(x->canvas, &x->ob_pd, 0, s); x->bufsize = 0; x->buf = 0; --- 3289,3293 ---- t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)pd_new(vinlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->inlet = canvas_addinlet(x->canvas,x,0,s); x->bufsize = 0; x->buf = 0; *************** *** 3460,3464 **** t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)pd_new(vinlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->inlet = canvas_addinlet(x->canvas, &x->ob_pd, &s_signal,s); x->endbuf = x->buf = (t_float *)getalignedbytes(0); x->bufsize = 0; --- 3457,3461 ---- t_vinlet *x = (t_vinlet *)pd_new(vinlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->inlet = canvas_addinlet(x->canvas,x,&s_signal,s); x->endbuf = x->buf = (t_float *)getalignedbytes(0); x->bufsize = 0; *************** *** 3523,3528 **** t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)pd_new(voutlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->parentoutlet = canvas_addoutlet(x->canvas, &x->ob_pd, 0); ! inlet_new(x, &x->ob_pd, 0, 0); x->bufsize = 0; x->buf = 0; --- 3520,3525 ---- t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)pd_new(voutlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->parentoutlet = canvas_addoutlet(x->canvas,x,0); ! inlet_new(x,x,0,0); x->bufsize = 0; x->buf = 0; *************** *** 3699,3704 **** t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)pd_new(voutlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->parentoutlet = canvas_addoutlet(x->canvas, &x->ob_pd, &s_signal); ! inlet_new(x, &x->ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal); x->endbuf = x->buf = (t_float *)getalignedbytes(0); x->bufsize = 0; --- 3696,3701 ---- t_voutlet *x = (t_voutlet *)pd_new(voutlet_class); x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); ! x->parentoutlet = canvas_addoutlet(x->canvas,x,&s_signal); ! inlet_new(x,x,&s_signal,&s_signal); x->endbuf = x->buf = (t_float *)getalignedbytes(0); x->bufsize = 0; *************** *** 3870,3874 **** } canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->_class); if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, owner, x->sc_vec, t, basex, basey, vis); } --- 3867,3871 ---- } canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y); if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, owner, x->sc_vec, t, basex, basey, vis); } *************** *** 3892,3896 **** float basey = template_getfloat(t, gensym("y"), data, 0); canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->_class); if (!wb) continue; hit = wb->w_parentclickfn(y, owner, data, t, sc, ap, basex+xloc, basey+yloc, --- 3889,3893 ---- float basey = template_getfloat(t, gensym("y"), data, 0); canvas_each(y,templatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y); if (!wb) continue; hit = wb->w_parentclickfn(y, owner, data, t, sc, ap, basex+xloc, basey+yloc, *************** *** 4908,4912 **** canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) { int xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2; ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->_class); if (!wb) continue; wb->w_parentgetrectfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)((char *)array->vec + elemsize*i), --- 4905,4909 ---- canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) { int xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2; ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y); if (!wb) continue; wb->w_parentgetrectfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)((char *)array->vec + elemsize*i), *************** *** 5069,5073 **** useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval); canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->_class); if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, tovis); --- 5066,5070 ---- useyloc = basey + yloc + slot_cvttocoord(yslot, yval); canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y); if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate, usexloc, useyloc, tovis); *************** *** 5080,5084 **** for (int i=0; i<nelem; i++) { canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(&y->_class); if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate,0,0,0); } --- 5077,5081 ---- for (int i=0; i<nelem; i++) { canvas_each(y,elemtemplatecanvas) { ! t_parentwidgetbehavior *wb = pd_getparentwidget(y); if (wb) wb->w_parentvisfn(y, canvas, (t_word *)(elem+elemsize*i), elemtemplate,0,0,0); } *************** *** 5261,5265 **** template_class = class_new(gensym("template"), 0, (t_method)template_free, sizeof(t_template), CLASS_PD, 0); ! class_addmethod3(pd_canvasmaker, template_usetemplate, "struct", "*"); gtemplate_class = class_new(gensym("struct"), (t_newmethod)gtemplate_new, (t_method)gtemplate_free, sizeof(t_gtemplate), CLASS_NOINLET, A_GIMME, 0); --- 5258,5262 ---- template_class = class_new(gensym("template"), 0, (t_method)template_free, sizeof(t_template), CLASS_PD, 0); ! class_addmethod3(pd_canvasmaker._class, template_usetemplate, "struct", "*"); gtemplate_class = class_new(gensym("struct"), (t_newmethod)gtemplate_new, (t_method)gtemplate_free, sizeof(t_gtemplate), CLASS_NOINLET, A_GIMME, 0); *************** *** 6185,6189 **** void canvas_msg(t_canvas *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_message *x = (t_message *)pd_new(message_class); ! x->mresp.mr_pd = mresp_class; x->mresp.outlet = outlet_new(x,&s_float); x->te_width = 0; /* don't know it yet. */ --- 6182,6186 ---- void canvas_msg(t_canvas *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_message *x = (t_message *)pd_new(message_class); ! x->mresp.mr_pd._class = mresp_class; x->mresp.outlet = outlet_new(x,&s_float); x->te_width = 0; /* don't know it yet. */ *************** *** 6327,6333 **** t_canvas *c = (t_canvas *)z; /* in case it is */ if (x->te_type == T_OBJECT) { ! if (zgetfn(&x->te_pd, gensym("saveto")) && !(x->_class==canvas_class && (canvas_isabstraction(c) || canvas_istable(c)))) { ! mess1(&x->te_pd, gensym("saveto"), b); binbuf_addv(b, "ssii", gensym("#X"), gensym("restore"), (t_int)x->te_xpix, (t_int)x->te_ypix); } else { --- 6324,6330 ---- t_canvas *c = (t_canvas *)z; /* in case it is */ if (x->te_type == T_OBJECT) { ! if (zgetfn(x,gensym("saveto")) && !(x->_class==canvas_class && (canvas_isabstraction(c) || canvas_istable(c)))) { ! mess1(x,gensym("saveto"),b); binbuf_addv(b, "ssii", gensym("#X"), gensym("restore"), (t_int)x->te_xpix, (t_int)x->te_ypix); } else { *************** *** 7617,7621 **** /* here is the real creator function, invoked in patch files by sending the "canvas" message to #N, which is bound to pd_canvasmaker. */ ! class_addmethod3(pd_canvasmaker,canvas_new,"canvas","*"); class_addmethod3(c,canvas_restore,"restore","*"); class_addmethod3(c,canvas_coords,"coords","*"); --- 7614,7618 ---- /* here is the real creator function, invoked in patch files by sending the "canvas" message to #N, which is bound to pd_canvasmaker. */ ! class_addmethod3(pd_canvasmaker._class,canvas_new,"canvas","*"); class_addmethod3(c,canvas_restore,"restore","*"); class_addmethod3(c,canvas_coords,"coords","*");