Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv11483
Modified Files: Tag: devel_0_39 desire.tk Log Message: changed the arguments to properties_dialog
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.367 -r1.1.2.368 *** desire.tk 18 Aug 2006 04:52:13 -0000 --- desire.tk 18 Aug 2006 04:59:56 -0000 *************** *** 3247,3273 **** foreach prop [lrange $fields($class) 5 end] { set d [concat $prop [switch $prop { ! w {list "" integer {-width 7}} ! h {list "" integer {-width 7}} ! hold {list "" float {-width 9}} ! break {list "" float {-width 9}} ! min {list "" float {-width 9}} ! max {list "" float {-width 9}} ! is_log {list "" choice {-choices {linear logarithmic}}} ! isa {list "" choice {-choices {no yes}}} ! n {list "" integer {-width 4}} ! steady {list "" choice {-choices {steady_no steady_yes}}} ! snd {list "" entry {-width 20}} ! rcv {list "" entry {-width 20}} ! lab {list "" entry {-width 20}} ! ldx {list "" integer {-width 5}} ! ldy {list "" integer {-width 5}} ! fstyle {list "" choice {-choices {Courier Helvetica Times}}} ! fs {list "" fontsize {-width 5}} ! bcol {list "" color {}} ! fcol {list "" color {}} ! lcol {list "" color {}} val {continue} on {continue} ! change {list "" integer {}} default {error "huh? ($prop)"} }]] --- 3247,3273 ---- foreach prop [lrange $fields($class) 5 end] { set d [concat $prop [switch $prop { ! w {list integer -width 7} ! h {list integer -width 7} ! hold {list float -width 9} ! break {list float -width 9} ! min {list float -width 9} ! max {list float -width 9} ! is_log {list choice -choices {linear logarithmic}} ! isa {list choice -choices {no yes}} ! n {list integer -width 4} ! steady {list choice -choices {steady_no steady_yes}} ! snd {list entry -width 20} ! rcv {list entry -width 20} ! lab {list entry -width 20} ! ldx {list integer -width 5} ! ldy {list integer -width 5} ! fstyle {list choice -choices {Courier Helvetica Times}} ! fs {list fontsize -width 5} ! bcol {list color} ! fcol {list color} ! lcol {list color} val {continue} on {continue} ! change {list integer} default {error "huh? ($prop)"} }]] *************** *** 3343,3355 **** wm title .$self "Atom" global properties ! properties_dialog $self .$self { ! width "" entry {-width 4} ! lo "" entry {-width 8} ! hi "" entry {-width 8} ! label "" entry {-width 20} ! wherelabel "" side {} ! symto "" entry {-width 20} ! symfrom "" entry {-width 20} ! } foreach name {hi lo width} { bind .$self.$name.entry <KeyPress-Return> "$self ok" --- 3343,3354 ---- wm title .$self "Atom" global properties ! properties_dialog $self .$self \ ! {width entry -width 4} \ ! {lo entry -width 8} \ ! {hi entry -width 8} \ ! {label entry -width 20} \ ! {wherelabel side} \ ! {symto entry -width 20} \ ! {symfrom entry -width 20} foreach name {hi lo width} { bind .$self.$name.entry <KeyPress-Return> "$self ok" *************** *** 3375,3384 **** global properties properties_dialog $self .$self { ! x1 "" entry {-width 7} ! x2 "" entry {-width 7} ! xpix "" entry {-width 7} ! y2 "" entry {-width 7} ! y1 "" entry {-width 7} ! ypix "" entry {-width 7} } #.$self.xrangef.x2 select from 0 --- 3374,3383 ---- global properties properties_dialog $self .$self { ! {x1 entry -width 7} \ ! {x2 entry -width 7} \ ! {xpix entry -width 7} \ ! {y2 entry -width 7} \ ! {y1 entry -width 7} \ ! {ypix entry -width 7} } #.$self.xrangef.x2 select from 0 *************** *** 3403,3412 **** set @otherflag 0 wm title $id "[say array] [say popup_properties]" ! set props { ! name "" entry {} ! n "" entry {} ! } ! properties_dialog $self .$self $props ! pack [checkbutton .$self.saveme -text "save contents" -variable @saveit -anchor w] -side top
--- 3402,3406 ---- set @otherflag 0 wm title $id "[say array] [say popup_properties]" ! properties_dialog $self .$self {name entry} {n entry} pack [checkbutton .$self.saveme -text "save contents" -variable @saveit -anchor w] -side top
*************** *** 4684,4693 **** }
! proc properties_dialog {self w struct} { global _ key set no_max_label 0 # excuse me, 2nd argument mod 4 isn't for labeling anymore ! foreach {name choices type options} $struct { ! if {$choices != ""} {error "choke: choices=$choices"} set f $w.$name set label "[say $name]: " --- 4678,4689 ---- }
! proc properties_dialog {self w args} { global _ key set no_max_label 0 # excuse me, 2nd argument mod 4 isn't for labeling anymore ! foreach row $args { ! set name [lindex $row 0] ! set type [lindex $row 1] ! set options [lrange $row 2 end] set f $w.$name set label "[say $name]: " *************** *** 5277,5282 **** section {$self add_section [incr section] [say $name]} choice {properties_dialog $self $f.main.$section \ ! [list $name "" choice [list -choices [lrange $names 1 end]]]} ! default {properties_dialog $self $f.main.$section [list $name "" $type {}]} } } --- 5273,5278 ---- section {$self add_section [incr section] [say $name]} choice {properties_dialog $self $f.main.$section \ ! [list $name choice -choices [lrange $names 1 end]]} ! default {properties_dialog $self $f.main.$section [list $name $type]} } } *************** *** 5474,5478 **** } alias {} ! choice {properties_dialog $self $which_section [list [lindex $name 0] "" choice {}]} color { set var ${name}path --- 5470,5474 ---- } alias {} ! choice {properties_dialog $self $which_section [list [lindex $name 0] choice]} color { set var ${name}path *************** *** 5480,5484 **** set @$var $which_section.$name.color set @$name $look($name) ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list [lindex $name 0] "" color {}] } key { --- 5476,5480 ---- set @$var $which_section.$name.color set @$name $look($name) ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list [lindex $name 0] color] } key { *************** *** 5488,5492 **** set @$var $which_section.[string tolower [lindex $name 0]].[string tolower $item] } ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list $name "" $type {}] } crosshair { --- 5484,5488 ---- set @$var $which_section.[string tolower [lindex $name 0]].[string tolower $item] } ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list $name $type] } crosshair { *************** *** 5495,5502 **** set @$var $which_section.$name.color set @$name $crosshair($name) ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list [lindex $name 0] "" toggle {}] } default { ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list $name "" $type {}] } } --- 5491,5498 ---- set @$var $which_section.$name.color set @$name $crosshair($name) ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list [lindex $name 0] toggle] } default { ! properties_dialog $self $which_section [list $name $type] } }