Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv6360
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata s_midi_alsa.c Log Message: reformatted; removed unused vars
Index: s_midi_alsa.c =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_midi_alsa.c,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** s_midi_alsa.c 30 Nov 2005 13:36:58 -0000 --- s_midi_alsa.c 20 Dec 2006 10:34:39 -0000 *************** *** 23,35 **** static int alsa_nmidiout; static int alsa_midioutfd[MAXMIDIOUTDEV]; - static snd_seq_t *midi_handle; - static snd_midi_event_t *midiev;
! ! ! static unsigned short CombineBytes(unsigned char First, unsigned char Second) ! { unsigned short _14bit; _14bit = (unsigned short)Second; --- 23,30 ---- static int alsa_nmidiout; static int alsa_midioutfd[MAXMIDIOUTDEV]; static snd_seq_t *midi_handle; static snd_midi_event_t *midiev;
! static unsigned short CombineBytes(unsigned char First, unsigned char Second) { unsigned short _14bit; _14bit = (unsigned short)Second; *************** *** 39,46 **** }
! void sys_alsa_do_open_midi(int nmidiin, int *midiinvec, ! int nmidiout, int *midioutvec) ! { ! char portname[50]; int err = 0; --- 34,38 ---- }
! void sys_alsa_do_open_midi(int nmidiin, int *midiinvec, int nmidiout, int *midioutvec) { char portname[50]; int err = 0; *************** *** 57,107 ****
if (nmidiout == 0 && nmidiin == 0) return; ! ! if(nmidiin>MAXMIDIINDEV ) ! { post("midi input ports reduced to maximum %d", MAXMIDIINDEV); nmidiin=MAXMIDIINDEV; ! } ! if(nmidiout>MAXMIDIOUTDEV) ! { post("midi output ports reduced to maximum %d", MAXMIDIOUTDEV); nmidiout=MAXMIDIOUTDEV; ! } ! ! if (nmidiin>0 && nmidiout>0) ! err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX,0); ! else if (nmidiin > 0) ! err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT,0); ! else if (nmidiout > 0) ! err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT,0); ! ! if (err!=0) ! { sys_setalarm(1000000); post("couldn't open alsa sequencer"); return; } ! for (i=0;i<nmidiin;i++) ! { int port; sprintf(portname,"Pure Data Midi-In %d",i+1); port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname, ! SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE |SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, ! SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); ! alsa_midiinfd[i] = port; ! if (port < 0) goto error; } ! ! for (i=0;i<nmidiout;i++) ! { int port; sprintf(portname,"Pure Data Midi-Out %d",i+1); port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname, ! SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ, ! SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); ! alsa_midioutfd[i] = port; ! if (port < 0) goto error; } - snd_seq_client_info_malloc(&alsainfo); snd_seq_get_client_info(midi_handle,alsainfo); --- 49,84 ----
if (nmidiout == 0 && nmidiin == 0) return; ! if(nmidiin>MAXMIDIINDEV ) { post("midi input ports reduced to maximum %d", MAXMIDIINDEV); nmidiin=MAXMIDIINDEV; ! } ! if(nmidiout>MAXMIDIOUTDEV) { post("midi output ports reduced to maximum %d", MAXMIDIOUTDEV); nmidiout=MAXMIDIOUTDEV; ! } ! if (nmidiin>0 && nmidiout>0) err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX,0); ! else if (nmidiin > 0) err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_INPUT,0); ! else if (nmidiout > 0) err = snd_seq_open(&midi_handle,"default",SND_SEQ_OPEN_OUTPUT,0); ! if (err!=0) { sys_setalarm(1000000); post("couldn't open alsa sequencer"); return; } ! for (i=0;i<nmidiin;i++) { int port; sprintf(portname,"Pure Data Midi-In %d",i+1); port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname, ! SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE |SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); ! alsa_midiinfd[i] = port; ! if (port < 0) goto error; } ! for (i=0;i<nmidiout;i++) { int port; sprintf(portname,"Pure Data Midi-Out %d",i+1); port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(midi_handle,portname, ! SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_APPLICATION); ! alsa_midioutfd[i] = port; ! if (port < 0) goto error; } snd_seq_client_info_malloc(&alsainfo); snd_seq_get_client_info(midi_handle,alsainfo); *************** *** 191,226 **** if (portno >= 0 && portno < alsa_nmidiout) { ! if (a >= 224) // pitchbend ! { channel = a-224; snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(&ev,channel,CombineBytes(b,c)); ! } ! else if (a >= 208) // touch ! { channel = a-208; snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(&ev,channel,b); ! } ! else if (a >= 192) // program ! { channel = a-192; snd_seq_ev_set_pgmchange(&ev,channel,b); ! } ! else if (a >= 176) // controller ! { channel = a-176; snd_seq_ev_set_controller(&ev,channel,b,c); ! } ! else if (a >= 160) // polytouch ! { channel = a-160; snd_seq_ev_set_keypress(&ev,channel,b,c); ! } ! else if (a >= 144) // note ! { channel = a-144; ! if (c) ! snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(&ev,channel,b,c); ! else ! snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(&ev,channel,b,c); } snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev); --- 168,190 ---- if (portno >= 0 && portno < alsa_nmidiout) { ! if (a >= 224) { // pitchbend channel = a-224; snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(&ev,channel,CombineBytes(b,c)); ! } else if (a >= 208) { // touch channel = a-208; snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(&ev,channel,b); ! } else if (a >= 192) { // program channel = a-192; snd_seq_ev_set_pgmchange(&ev,channel,b); ! } else if (a >= 176) { // controller channel = a-176; snd_seq_ev_set_controller(&ev,channel,b,c); ! } else if (a >= 160) { // polytouch channel = a-160; snd_seq_ev_set_keypress(&ev,channel,b,c); ! } else if (a >= 144) { // note channel = a-144; ! if (c) snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(&ev,channel,b,c); ! else snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(&ev,channel,b,c); } snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev); *************** *** 239,243 **** { // repack into 1 byte char and put somewhere to point at - unsigned char data = (unsigned char)byte; unsigned char *dataptr = malloc(1); memcpy(dataptr,&byte,1); --- 203,206 ---- *************** *** 259,271 **** int i; snd_seq_event_t *midievent = NULL; - if (alsa_nmidiout == 0 && alsa_nmidiin == 0) return; - snd_midi_event_init(midiev); - if (!alsa_nmidiout && !alsa_nmidiin) return; count = snd_seq_event_input_pending(midi_handle,1); ! if (count != 0) ! count = snd_seq_event_input(midi_handle,&midievent); if (midievent != NULL) { --- 222,230 ---- int i; snd_seq_event_t *midievent = NULL; if (alsa_nmidiout == 0 && alsa_nmidiin == 0) return; snd_midi_event_init(midiev); if (!alsa_nmidiout && !alsa_nmidiin) return; count = snd_seq_event_input_pending(midi_handle,1); ! if (count != 0) count = snd_seq_event_input(midi_handle,&midievent); if (midievent != NULL) { *************** *** 278,292 **** }
! void sys_alsa_close_midi() ! { alsa_nmidiin = alsa_nmidiout = 0; ! if(midi_handle) ! { snd_seq_close(midi_handle); ! if(midiev) ! { ! snd_midi_event_free(midiev); ! } ! } }
--- 237,246 ---- }
! void sys_alsa_close_midi() { alsa_nmidiin = alsa_nmidiout = 0; ! if(midi_handle) { snd_seq_close(midi_handle); ! if(midiev) snd_midi_event_free(midiev); ! } }
*************** *** 294,302 **** static int alsa_nmidiindevs, alsa_nmidioutdevs, alsa_initted;
! void midi_alsa_init(void) ! { ! int i; ! if (alsa_initted) ! return; alsa_initted = 1; } --- 248,253 ---- static int alsa_nmidiindevs, alsa_nmidioutdevs, alsa_initted;
! void midi_alsa_init(void) { ! if (alsa_initted) return; alsa_initted = 1; } *************** *** 306,319 **** { int i, ndev; ! if ((ndev = alsa_nmidiindevs) > maxndev) ! ndev = maxndev; ! for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++) ! sprintf(indevlist + i * devdescsize, "ALSA MIDI device #%d", i+1); *nindevs = ndev; ! ! if ((ndev = alsa_nmidioutdevs) > maxndev) ! ndev = maxndev; ! for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++) ! sprintf(outdevlist + i * devdescsize, "ALSA MIDI device #%d", i+1); *noutdevs = ndev; } --- 257,265 ---- { int i, ndev; ! if ((ndev = alsa_nmidiindevs) > maxndev) ndev = maxndev; ! for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++) sprintf(indevlist + i * devdescsize, "ALSA MIDI device #%d", i+1); *nindevs = ndev; ! if ((ndev = alsa_nmidioutdevs) > maxndev) ndev = maxndev; ! for (i = 0; i < ndev; i++) sprintf(outdevlist + i * devdescsize, "ALSA MIDI device #%d", i+1); *noutdevs = ndev; }