Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv27370
Modified Files: Tag: desiredata desire.tk Log Message: cleanup; fix for ClientClassTreeDialog scrollbar
Index: desire.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/Attic/desire.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.600.2.208 -r1.1.2.600.2.209 *** desire.tk 9 Jul 2007 14:08:48 -0000 --- desire.tk 9 Jul 2007 17:07:16 -0000 *************** *** 6651,6656 **** $self fill_box [$@textbox get] } ! } ! if {[focus] == $@listbox} {return} else {$self fill_box [$@textbox get]} }
--- 6651,6655 ---- $self fill_box [$@textbox get] } ! } else {$self fill_box [$@textbox get]} }
*************** *** 6917,6922 **** if {$i < $n} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"} set v "_($self:$trim_name${i})" ! spinbox $f.$i -width 2 -command "$self spinning %d $v" -state $s \ ! -textvariable $v pack $f.$i -side left balloon $f.$i "Device [expr $i+1]" --- 6916,6920 ---- if {$i < $n} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"} set v "_($self:$trim_name${i})" ! spinbox $f.$i -width 2 -command "$self spinning %d $v" -state $s -textvariable $v pack $f.$i -side left balloon $f.$i "Device [expr $i+1]" *************** *** 7046,7050 **** frame $f.font2 frame $f.font2.preview ! pack [label $f.font2.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left -fill y pack [canvas $f.font2.preview.canvas -width 250 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x $f.font2.preview.canvas create text 4 4 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor nw -text [say font_preview_2] -font $look(View:font) --- 7044,7048 ---- frame $f.font2 frame $f.font2.preview ! pack [label $f.font2.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left -fill y pack [canvas $f.font2.preview.canvas -width 250 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x $f.font2.preview.canvas create text 4 4 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor nw -text [say font_preview_2] -font $look(View:font) *************** *** 7057,7066 **** }
! pack $f.font.list -side left -fill y ! pack $f.font.size -side top -fill x ! pack $f.font.style -side top -fill x pack $f.font2.preview -side bottom -fill x ! pack $f.font -side top -fill both -padx $padx -pady $pady ! pack $f.font2 -side top -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady $self font_update $f } --- 7055,7064 ---- }
! pack $f.font.list -side left -fill y ! pack $f.font.size -side top -fill x ! pack $f.font.style -side top -fill x pack $f.font2.preview -side bottom -fill x ! pack $f.font -side top -fill both -padx $padx -pady $pady ! pack $f.font2 -side top -fill x -padx $padx -pady $pady $self font_update $f } *************** *** 7085,7089 **** #set @size [expr $@size - $y] switch $mode { ! up {set @size [expr $@size+1]} down {set @size [expr $@size-1]} } --- 7083,7087 ---- #set @size [expr $@size - $y] switch $mode { ! up {set @size [expr $@size+1]} down {set @size [expr $@size-1]} } *************** *** 7192,7196 **** pack $f.buttonsep -side bottom -fill x wm protocol $f WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel" ! bind .$self <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward" bind .$self <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W back" } --- 7190,7194 ---- pack $f.buttonsep -side bottom -fill x wm protocol $f WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel" ! bind .$self <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward" bind .$self <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W back" } *************** *** 7199,7203 **** switch $direction { forward {focus [tk_focusNext $w]} ! back {focus [tk_focusPrev $w]} } } --- 7197,7201 ---- switch $direction { forward {focus [tk_focusNext $w]} ! back {focus [tk_focusPrev $w]} } } *************** *** 7324,7336 ****
proc pdtk_audio_dialog {id indevlist indev1 indev2 indev3 indev4 \ ! inchan1 inchan2 inchan3 inchan4 \ ! outdevlist outdev1 outdev2 outdev3 outdev4 \ ! outchan1 outchan2 outchan3 outchan4 sr dspblock \ ! advance multi longform} { pdrc audio_properties $indevlist [list $indev1 $indev2 $indev3 $indev4] \ ! [list $inchan1 $inchan2 $inchan3 $inchan4] \ ! $outdevlist [list $outdev1 $outdev2 $outdev3 $outdev4] \ ! [list $outchan1 $outchan2 $outchan3 $outchan4] $sr $dspblock \ ! $advance $multi }
--- 7322,7334 ----
proc pdtk_audio_dialog {id indevlist indev1 indev2 indev3 indev4 \ ! inchan1 inchan2 inchan3 inchan4 \ ! outdevlist outdev1 outdev2 outdev3 outdev4 \ ! outchan1 outchan2 outchan3 outchan4 \ ! sr dspblock advance multi longform} { pdrc audio_properties $indevlist [list $indev1 $indev2 $indev3 $indev4] \ ! [list $inchan1 $inchan2 $inchan3 $inchan4] \ ! $outdevlist [list $outdev1 $outdev2 $outdev3 $outdev4] \ ! [list $outchan1 $outchan2 $outchan3 $outchan4] $sr $dspblock \ ! $advance $multi }
*************** *** 7363,7367 **** set @audiooutdev $outdevlist # the following @audioindev* is used as -textvariable for devlist ! set @audioindev0 [lindex $@audioindev 0] set @audiooutdev0 [lindex $@audiooutdev 0] set @inchannels $inchans --- 7361,7365 ---- set @audiooutdev $outdevlist # the following @audioindev* is used as -textvariable for devlist ! set @audioindev0 [lindex $@audioindev 0] set @audiooutdev0 [lindex $@audiooutdev 0] set @inchannels $inchans *************** *** 7374,7378 **** set @midioutdev "miditwo" # below are also used as -textvariable ! mset [list @inchannels0 @inchannels1 @inchannels2 @inchannels3] $@inchannels mset [list @outchannels0 @outchannels1 @outchannels2 @outchannels3] $@outchannels set @audio_api_choice2 [say [lindex $::pd_apilist2 $@audio_api_choice]] --- 7372,7376 ---- set @midioutdev "miditwo" # below are also used as -textvariable ! mset [list @inchannels0 @inchannels1 @inchannels2 @inchannels3] $@inchannels mset [list @outchannels0 @outchannels1 @outchannels2 @outchannels3] $@outchannels set @audio_api_choice2 [say [lindex $::pd_apilist2 $@audio_api_choice]] *************** *** 7387,7394 **** set indev0 [lsearch $@audioindev $@audioindev0] set outdev0 [lsearch $@audiooutdev $@audiooutdev0] ! return [list $indev0 0 0 0 \ ! $@inchannels0 $@inchannels1 $@inchannels2 $@inchannels3 \ ! $outdev0 0 0 0 \ ! $@outchannels0 $@outchannels1 $@outchannels2 $@outchannels3 \ $@r $@blocksize $@audiobuf] } --- 7385,7390 ---- set indev0 [lsearch $@audioindev $@audioindev0] set outdev0 [lsearch $@audiooutdev $@audiooutdev0] ! return [list $indev0 0 0 0 $@inchannels0 $@inchannels1 $@inchannels2 $@inchannels3 \ ! $outdev0 0 0 0 $@outchannels0 $@outchannels1 $@outchannels2 $@outchannels3 \ $@r $@blocksize $@audiobuf] } *************** *** 7854,7861 **** set sy [winfo height $w.tree] set y1 [expr 0.0-[winfo y $w.tree]] ! set y2 [expr $y1+$zy] ! puts "sy=$sy y1=$y1 y2=$y2" .$self.1.scroll set [expr $y1/$sy] [expr $y2/$sy] - puts ".$self.1.scroll set [expr $y1/$sy] [expr $y2/$sy]" }
--- 7850,7855 ---- set sy [winfo height $w.tree] set y1 [expr 0.0-[winfo y $w.tree]] ! set y2 [expr 0.0+$y1+$zy] .$self.1.scroll set [expr $y1/$sy] [expr $y2/$sy] }
*************** *** 7864,7879 **** set zy [winfo height $w] set sy [winfo height $w.tree] - set y1 [expr 0.0-[winfo y $w.tree]] - set y2 [expr $y1+$zy] switch [lindex $args 0] { moveto { ! set f [lindex $args 1] ! set y [expr (0.0-$f)*$sy] place .$self.1.1.tree -x 0 -y $y ! puts $y } scroll { } } }
--- 7858,7871 ---- set zy [winfo height $w] set sy [winfo height $w.tree] switch [lindex $args 0] { moveto { ! set y [clip [expr (0.0-[lindex $args 1])*$sy] [expr $zy-$sy] 0] place .$self.1.1.tree -x 0 -y $y ! puts "args=[list $args] zy=$zy sy=$sy y=$y" } scroll { } } + after 100 "$self update_scrollbar" }