Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30251
Modified Files: Tag: impd_0_37 u_main.tk Log Message: rewrote a lot of stuff, and deleted ~800 lines
Index: u_main.tk =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/u_main.tk,v retrieving revision retrieving revision diff -C2 -d -r1. -r1. *** u_main.tk 15 Mar 2004 03:28:00 -0000 --- u_main.tk 16 Mar 2004 08:13:52 -0000 *************** *** 18,21 **** --- 18,28 ---- #option add *backgroundPixmap /usr/share/themes/BrushedMetalBlue/gtk/brushed-dark.xpm widgetDefault #option add *backgroundPixmap /home/matju/brushed-dark.gif widgetDefault + option add *Button*borderWidth 1 + + set preset_colors { + fcfcfc e0e0e0 bcbcbc fce0e0 fce0c0 fcfcc8 d8fcd8 d8fcfc dce4fc f8d8fc + a0a0a0 7c7c7c 606060 fc2828 fcac44 e8e828 14e814 28f4f4 3c50fc f430f0 + 404040 202020 000000 8c0808 583000 782814 285014 004450 001488 580050 + } [...4104 lines suppressed...] button .browser.cl.5.help -text "Help" -command {pd "pd help [.browser.cl.1 get [.browser.cl.1 curselection]] ;"} pack .browser.cl.5.help -side top ! pack .browser.cl.5 -side left -fill y -expand no pack .browser.cl.1 -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack .browser.cl.2 -side left -fill y -expand no pack .browser.cl.3 -side left -fill both -expand yes ! pack .browser.cl.4 -side left -fill y -expand no
frame .browser.butt *************** *** 3013,3015 ****
global env ! catch {source $env(HOME)/.pd.tk} --- 2165,2169 ----
global env ! #if [catch {source $env(HOME)/.pd.tk}] {post_to_gui ".pd.tk: $errorInfo\n"} ! if [catch {source $env(HOME)/.pd.tk}] {puts stderr ".pd.tk: $errorInfo"} !